Therajraj: How Do You Anti Government

Yes, laws are enforced via force or the threat force. I am not disputing this.

The police don’t shoot you for not paying your taxes. Very rarely you might get shot for resisting arrest, which is something entirely different.

How many of those 410 do you think were tax evasion arrests? My bet is zero.

The “libertarian form of governance” doesn’t suspend real world, of-this-earth logic.

If in your Pretend World there is a representative democracy, and in that democracy a body is authorized to pass laws with your consent, and they pass a law you happen to not like, logic compels that you still have consented to live under that law.

And to think - we could have given your slot to an immigrant with actual brains. What a disappointment. Congratulations - you’re proving your own theory that adding immigrants to the US is a net subtraction our society.

You and I reach an agreement that you get to decide what color to paint my house and then you get to paint it that color.

You decide to paint it purple, and then paint it purple.

I happen to hate purple. Do I have a defense that I didn’t consent to having my house painted purple?

Of course I don’t.

Uh, no, all laws are enforceable by coercion all the way up to death.

And yeah, saying taxes aren’t voluntary is totally like not believing in the electoral college and claiming someone else should be president. I’m not sure what planet they are just alike on, but I’m sure there is one out there somewhere.

If it’s that big of a deal that you need to try to deny something so obviously true (that taxation is involuntary) maybe you should reconsider your position.

AHAHHA! Ok there thunder britches. You win, that’s totally the same thing. You guys win. Taxes are voluntary because some guys in the 1700s signed a contract for me and I have implicitly gave consent by no leaving my home and moving thousands of miles. I’ll stop paying and let you know how it goes.

This is absurd. What y’all are really claiming is “you failed to move your house out of the way after I told you I was going to be painting purple, therefor you implicitly consented to have your house painted.”

Libertarian society will be here soon enough once the government runs out of money

When I started the discussion I incorrectly assumed it would be a quick point easily agreed upon and we’d move on. Now 200+ posts in and they still are doing Olympic calibre mental gymnastics around the idea taxation = theft

This is exactly why I said I’m not interested in a philosophical discussion way back when. Give me 1 real life example of a person being killed for tax evasion. Good luck.

As far as laws being enforceable by coercion, I never claimed the contrary. There is no other way to enforce the law. My contention continues to be that you agreed to it for reasons already stated.

Let’s try this another way. Do all of the rights in the Constitution apply to an infant at birth (let’s ignore the anchor baby argument for now)? The answer is yes, right… Why?

I’m glad you’ve come around :slight_smile:

Ok, so to my other example - is a law requiring you to drive on one side of the road equal to false imprisonment?

When did you consent to driving on the right side of the road? What about your freedom to drive anywhere you damn well please?

There won’t be any libertarian society, never has, never will. But if therr was, you’d be one of the first ones eaten.

I tell you what, you’re an optimist. I’ll give you that.

When the world powers start to run out of money, first there will be a nuclear war and then any survivors will be ruled by local strongmen.

I think Trump would probably be a pretty damn good Afghan Warlord.

Nah, he’s all talk.

This seems to be the problem, though. I think we can all agree, politicians don’t exactly keep their campaign promises.

Does the government really care about our opinions?

Not unless his daddy was first an Afghan Warlord. :wink:

I agree. So, I see it this way. We can either a) put our heads in the sand and pretend it’s all good, b) clean house through elections and continue to clean house until Congress does listen, or c) change it like our forefathers did.

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”
― Thomas Paine

Nothing philosophical about it. Not many people die from it because resistance is absolutely futile and would guarantee death. You have to understand that to not pay tax you must physically resist enforcement. As part of the penalty for not paying taxes is the forcible removal of your property to pay the taxes it is absurd to claim that you can’t be killed for not paying taxes as long as you allow them to come and forcibly take the taxes from you. You aren’t stopping paying taxes if when people show up to take your house you let them take it.

Taxation is a law. You admit that the enforcement of taxation is coerced?

Well, I think the natural rights of man apply because I believe they are God given. I do not believe all parts of the Constitution fall into that category, no.

It’s not that I disagree with you, it’s just for the argument sake of “taxation is theft.”

In the real world, yes, some taxes are a must but we can’t sit here and think that the government would ever let taxes disappear, no matter how many people saw it fit. So ya, C would be the only option there and we could have a righteous revolution but we’re talking in hypotheticals here.

Discussing where our taxes go is another story.

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Not once the road is collectively built. But there had to be laws and enforcement to build the road enacted to make it illegal to not to help build the road against people who were doing absolutely nothing wrong. Is that false imprisonment to a person who wishes to opt out of society and live in the woods by coercing them to build the road in the first place? Probably.