The Stupid Thread 2 (Part 1)


"He said laws designed to reduce the availability of weapons to young would-be offenders had had ā€œalmost no effectā€ "

The hell you say? Criminal gangs donā€™t abide by lawsā€¦ like laws against attempted murder and aggravated assaultā€¦


That knife thing is just ridiculous. Instead of dancing around it by talking about filing them down, why donā€™t they pass a law that states simply and explicitly " No Stabbing Each Other!"

Cuz the Stabby McStabbersons of the world are so diligent at staying updated on new laws.

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That shows how out of touch I am. I didnā€™t even know that there were different types. I gotta brush up on my hoboology.

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Not trying to be smart in the stupid thread, but how will this anti-sharp stuff movement affect guys like this?

This dude is really talented and makes some really nice blades.

Alec Steele does amazing work. I regularly light up after the kids are in bed and burn though his latest piece when itā€™s all done.

If you havenā€™t already, check out some of his larger swords. Shits really impressive imo.

Edit: phone made Alec Alex bwop bwop

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Thatā€™s a riot! Iā€™ve been watching his channel for a good while. Me and the kiddo watch them because I want him to know and understand how real well crafted things are made.

Iā€™ve also been kicking around the idea of setting up a forge and making some stuff. Iā€™m no stranger to the general operations, but lack the refined techniques specific to the craft.

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Thatā€™s what happens when you elect dinosaurs.

So, most of my silly socks come as presents from my wife, who lets my 3 year old daughter pick them out. Sometimes itā€™s deadpool, sometimes I get unicorns. And not wearing them would disappoint my daughter which I am physically incapably of doing because sheā€™s really cute.

As a side note, she picked me out a swimsuit for the beach this year. This is what I wore at the beach this year:


As many times as Iā€™ve read this thread, when I click the title I still sometimes think you guys have come up with a naming convention for Zep threads.



At least he didnā€™t blame Hilary.

Always looking at the bright side, I like that.

Is it odd that I actually agree with Trump on this? I spend a lot of time working in buildings with asbestos, yearly reports and abatement. Itā€™s really a joke in a lot of ways.

Asbestos was used because itā€™s fire retardant. When encapsulated in, whatever form, VAT (tile), joint compound, etc. itā€™s perfectly safe. You would be really shocked where you can find it.

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Weā€™re All Gonna Die!


There are some insulating materials around 4,160 volt wires in mines where msha still REQUIRES asbestos. It works. Just donā€™t breath it or eat it.

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