The Stupid Thread 2 (Part 1)

Thats a tough row to hoe. Imagine how much better off he would have been if the US was a more fair and equitable nation.

Seeing as how Obama’s father was from Kenya, what kind of privilege does this fall under?

That falls under the umbrella “grass is always greener
” privilege. Its rather non-specific but applies to anybody that does well but can’t be specifically categorized in the current field of competition.

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It seems like Obama might be the only person to not have any privilege but also not have any disadvantage as everything cancels each other out. He’s black but he’s also white. His father was an immigrant but his mother wasn’t. His father went to Harvard but he was black. His parents were married, then they weren’t. His mother was a single parent, until she wasn’t. He was born in the USA, until he wasn’t.

Five years in prison??!!


Wow. And Robert Creamer is a free man. That’s crazy.

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Well shit man. After MILLIONS of illegal votes were cast, they’ve got to make an example out of Hillary supporters

Edit: errrrrr. Out of felons that vote

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What are we saying was insane? The fact that she was prohibited from voting? The fact that there is punishment for casting a vote as a prohibited person? The length of the sentence?

This. You can plea down murder 2 and spend way less time in prison. Weapons charges and drug charges usually get a lighter sentence.

I would’ve guessed breaking voting law unwittingly would plea down to a misdemeanor.

I think “unwittingly” is doubtful in this case, but a harsher penalty for an offense committed against the State vs. an offense against another individual should be expected.

I’ll just leave this little nugget here.


And that is why we can’t have nice things.


You know what really causes cancer? Free radicals, caused by oxidative stress. That’s right, oxygen causes cancer. 23% of every breath you take in California should come with a prop 65 warning label.


1 person does a horrible thing.

Everyone else:
Issued clear bags.
Sports bags to be searched.
Possible metal detectors.
Name badges to be issued by weeks end.


9/11, a handful of people do something horrible. We have TSA
and a couple of wars.

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Don’t forget the body scanners

Sigh. Every now and then the 30-plus-year-old law voted on with good intentions rears its ugly head.
It was voted on in the first election I was eligible to vote. I voted no because I knew it would be another tool used by filthy ambulance chasers to extort fees.

This is why everyone hates lawyers.


and the ball cupping. Those are always fun

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This is some next level triggered. Dude posts a line from a song SEVEN years ago and is being called out for it. Since he’s in college, I’m gonna assume he’s no older than 21 so he was like FOURTEEN or so at the time.