The Stupid Thread 2 (Part 1)

Dancing at weddings is irrelevant here. Socializing is important but is it necessary to train children in how to socialize as adults? Is this preparation for going to clubs and singles bars? In Uzbekistan I believe speaking Uzbek and Russian are the norm. And I did find a 5th grade American kid; she was originally from Uzbekistan.

Honestly, I thought that was at least half the point of schoolā€¦

So did everyone else. After the teen pregnancy and test score stats maybe the good ole USA would do well with a change.


Itā€™s not irrelevant. They learn that shit growing up. In schools. itā€™s part of their cultureā€¦

You think an elementary school dance (which you think is the first problem) is training ā€œchildren to socialize as adultsā€? Say it was, why is that a problem?

Well, itā€™s preparation for life and talking to people. have you ever been to a school dance? itā€™s where kids go and socialize ā€¦ some dancing is involved, some talking, shenanigans, et. al. What do you think is happening at these elementary school dances thatā€™s a problem? Because theyā€™re not being sequestered to the math room? Cā€™mon manā€¦

It would be in your best interest to never say this bullshit ever again if you ever want to be taken seriously by anyone everā€¦


If someone doesnā€™t take me seriously because I say the word Bazinga, I can promise you I couldnā€™t care less about their opinion

Thatā€™s the thing ā€¦ itā€™s a pretty universal reaction to not take seriously anyone who uses bazinga ā€¦ for any reason ā€¦ ever. Itā€™s not just relegated to random individuals who wouldnā€™t have an impact on your life ā€¦ Iā€™m just looking out for you buddy :wink:

(you do know iā€™m just bustinā€™ balls right? )

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I didnā€™t realize kids were mute everywhere but school dances.

And if these dances are no big deal then why are they so concerned about the self-esteem of boys to the point they canā€™t be subjected to rejection? Because facing rejection is training for the real world.

Considering the preponderance of rape/sexual harrasment/bullying (and accusations of rape/harassment/bullying) and other bull shit going onā€¦ Yes. We should train kids how to act classy and consider others in social situations. Because their parents arenā€™t.

I do think training girls that ā€œonly mean harpies say noā€ is the wrong message at any age.

I donā€™t know about that. I have been around many kids who were well-mannered and well-behaved. The ones who werenā€™t were more often than not from broken homes in the inner city and good luck to schools trying to train the ghetto out of a kid.

I also donā€™t believe that parents are teaching their kids to rape or sexually harass others. The adults who do that know better but they do it anyway for whatever reason.

I think the confusion is that I am not saying kids should not learn social skills but rather they should not learn to socialize as adults. Kids behave one way among themselves but that is not how they should interact with adults. They are not adults and lack the experience and cognitive ability to judge as adults do. Let kids be kids. An 8 year old boy should want to play sports, not dance with girls. But this is what happens when women are running things.

Oh man. I canā€™t believe all the time Iā€™ve wasted hugging and kissing my child when I could have been drilling her in Latin.

Oh, right, this is from the teenager that lives in his mom and dadā€™s basement.

Actually, your stance on this explains some things.

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I actually have a bright red ā€œbazingaā€ belt buckle. I wear it for the express purpose of not being taken seriously.


And how exactly do you think they learn these adult things?

If you need help talking to girls, Iā€™m available if you have any questions.

Even BG falls prey to the state raising kids because parents wonā€™t. Dirty Hillary supporter


No way youā€™re not Raj, or one of his storm front buddies. Iā€™ll send $5 to your favorite charity if Iā€™m wrong.

I would prefer their parents do it. But since public school attendance is mandated if youā€™re poor, might as well teach them life skills while youā€™re at it.

There is a non-governmental way to teach kids not to be jagoffs and that hedonism leads to bad outcomes. But holding doors for women, not hitting them, being really picky about who you sleep withā€¦ Thatā€™s all old fashioned patriarchy nonsense. So passe.

Race is a social construct. IQ is shaped primarily by environment.

And now we waitā€¦



A. If you read ghetto and think minority then that says something about you.
B. I lived in the ghetto so I can use the word freely.
C. Given the amount of love Jordan Peterson gets around here no one should cry about my statements on women.

No, I donā€™t need helping talking to girls. But the fact you say you are skilled at it is rather creepy.

If Iā€™m a teenager I wouldnā€™t bring it up if I were you since anyone reading these forums will see that I clearly am better educated than you. The fact you went to a personal attack shows just how intellectually weak you are.

I am curious how a father kissing his kids is preparing them for adult socializing.