The Stupid Thread 2 (Part 1)

The flu is much more devastating for athlete performance

On the study it seems there are some people with 14 days of flu.

As far as I follow Serie A, there has been one reported case of long Covid. It is Amadou Diwara. Not entirely sure if anyone got long Vivid from Delta at all.

Performance-wise? Probably. Because no athlete has ever survived The Rona. long enough to perform.

Canā€™t compete in the Olympics if youā€™re deadā€¦

ā€œDrug testers hate him! Heā€™s figured out one sure-fire trick to avoid testing positiveā€.

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Kind of interesting but itā€™s not what I asked you. You said: ā€œA lot of footballers get out for longer after a flue or coldā€ . So give me some examples of several football players who were out 3+ weeks with the flu or a cold please.

I canā€™t think of anything right now. My memory is not that good. I am quite sure there are many, as even in Football Manager flu and cold were programmed as injuries. Not sure if there are studies.

I can think of a young vaccinated man having hear attack in Monday at Roma Spezia game. The crowd went silent for the entire game. There is an epidemic of soccer players collapsing on pitch after vaccination.

The defense rests, your honor.

Are youā€¦referencing a game for medical assumptions?

No, there is not. I assume you already posted the fake ā€œdid you see all those airplane pilots that diedā€ trope?

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I am sorry, I am not debating with far left Quanon like people. Have fun in your world.

I am coaching soccer and I am following the sport. There are players, amateurs and even hobiists losing their lives playing soccer since vaccines came to our life.

The far left arenā€™t the ones who founded QANON lolā€¦

The far left version of Quanon

QANON only exists under one construct

Far left conspiracy theories exist, far left qanon doesnā€™t.

I am not saying that it existsā€¦ I am saying, I am literally not debating with people living in an alternative reality like loopar or zecaralo. To me they are like the far left version of Quanon. Complete loonies. One of them has fascistic views and lock everyone up in concentration camp, the other one goes out of his way to defend pedophilia.

No one on here has done thisā€¦

Good God manā€¦ :facepalm:

I dare you, you read their last posts.

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If they were body positive, why would stepping on a scale be stressful?


PuhLEAASSEEE tell me doctors arenā€™t complying with this shit.

ā€œI go to my annual checkup so my Dr. can make sure Iā€™m healthy. But also, please dont do or say anything that would make me feel unhealthy.ā€

A doctor canā€™t properly do their jobs without collecting pertinent data ā€¦ weight being a very fucking impactful datum.

Iā€™d hope an md would refer any individual who would hand them this card to some mental health professional ā€¦ who is worth their weight in salt and actual seek to help these people rather than affirm their delusions

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