The Return of Even More Movies You've Watched This Week III

Are you saying it’s not cool to see a strong female lead in movies which are not based on super heroes? Too close to reality for you?

Why do you hate women?

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It just sounded a little social justice-y to me at first. Never mind I was just being dumb.

It’s a Pixar film!



Though I’m not sure whether this is really a Pixar film or not.

Finally got around to watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 now that it’s up on Netflix.

The film was seriously underwhelming.

Trying too hard with the comic element, the plot and characterization are super generic.


What about the Shang-A-Lang though?

No worries, too much is lost over text

Edit: And re-reading it, I get it, I definitely was just speaking literally though, haha

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I’m a strong, independent man that don’t need no…wait…

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I definitely thought they tried too hard to be funny and you could tell.

I don’t think I got any of the pop culture references this time around except for the Pacman reference.

I’m an immigrant and a child of the 90s/early 2000s. Pokemon is my thing, not 70s pop songs.


Wow, this may be one of the best movies I’ve watched in the last couple of years because I don’t hate women. No, seriously, it’s a wonderful movie. Do yourselves a favor and watch it.

Re: Guardians 2

Yeah, the humor was VERY dry. I find it’s usually hit or miss unless it’s used in films like violent black comedies with guns and head explosions and shit. But I enjoyed it. Drax had me in stitches every time he called that chick with the funny things sticking out of her head ugly.

“So you’re a pet. People usually want cute pets. Why would he go with such a hideous one?” LMAO


Juno is a fantastic film.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2-

I think my biggest problem with the film was that the characters don’t do anything that makes much sense to their character, except for maybe Quill’s first action after hearing that Ego killed his mom is blasting Ego full of holes + Drax being Drax
It’s like they paid more attention to making scenes full of 70s culture references + a bunch of random humor that I don’t think I really got/found that funny than making an actual coherent film.

Plus the film feels really disjointed. Just how long did the events that involved Rocket and Yondu really take? Was Quill and Co. really on Ego’s planet for that long, or was the entire chain of events no more than a day or two at most?

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Yeah I think the problem was they didn’t have much of a story and all these felt like distractions and fillers. They should have just cut the running time and tightened up the plot.

I’ve never taken a breath of 80’s air myself. Just a fan of good 70s music.

You just watched this?

Yeah. Wonder Woman finally convinced me that women can star in lead roles. So I decided it would be alright to watch it. Then I watched Happy Deathday and now I’m thinking, “Meh. They should remain in the kitchen.” That’s how superficial I am according to critics who write stuff like “…this proves a woman CAN be a strong female lead…”.

You know what grinds my gears? When I read what’s available on netflix when you’re in the US or UK and compare that to what I can watch on netflix.

tell it to Sigourney fucking Weaver you god damn son of a bitch

I didn’t know she was a woman until I watched that movie with Tim Allen and spaceships and shit.

The Last Jedi is very good.


I thought you were like 29-30ish.