The Push to 2020 Has Begun!

And if we go to your first post on this question we hear alarm bells but it turns out that they are an extreme minority. But the AEI wouldn’t try and create a false narrative.

The best way to stir shit up would be to have Trump lose.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Koch support is solely off tariffs. To me it’s the only thing that makes sense as Trump has been good to big business and will remain so minus tariffs.

The big wealth knows they win no matter what. Trump gave them a giant gift. Now they may not like the tariffs so much but the intent is certainly not to go after big business. Trump just doesn’t understand the global economy.

The socialist talk is just talk. That word is getting thrown around way too much and basically people are equating the government doing anything with socialism. (Not saying you big). If educating kids, maintaining roads, paying for firefighter and cops is socialism then I’m a socialist. If it’s a President giving 30 billion to farmers from my tax dollars I might not be one.

Even if Warren or Bernie were elected (I think the chances are incredibly remote) nothing would really change. Most of their policies are paid for with money coming from huge businesses and the super rich. The very people that are impossible to touch. They have enough lawyers, lobbyists, and advertising dollars to keep anything from really damaging.

It wasn’t too long ago that we had to give huge businesses a massive taxpayer bailout. People said we needed to make arrests. People said we needed reform to prevent this from ever happening again. No one got arrested. The expected giant Wall Street reform didn’t do shit once their lobbyists got done. They can do the exact same stuff they did before.

Just the way I see it. D or R significant changes won’t come. The people who have the power to make significant changes are benefiting from the status quo.

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There are thousands of self-identified Marxist professors in the US. This is not in dispute.

The only reason I brought that up was because @Mufasa claimed that Dems throwing around the “S” word (or having it applied to them by opponents) would lose them the race.

My point was Socialism isn’t the cuss word it used to be. As evidenced by more Americans having a favorable view of it and more professors teaching it in colleges around the US. This is also not in dispute.

I never posted anything from AEI. I only mentioned they had an article that didn’t link data. Nor did I say that marxists in ivory towers are an existential threat. Merely that labeling a Democrat candidate a socialist isn’t the killing blow it would have been 25 years ago.

You are the king of non sequitur I swear.

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I actually blame the GOP all day for this one.

But goddamn it was an effective tactic to gain crippling control over the US govt.

All it cost them was watering down the word socialism until it swallowed them.


Ironically we didn’t have to. The capitalist thing to do would be to let people with bad ideas and businesses fail.

Bingo. I’ll toast to that. We have two parties in name only.

I will say if the GND or single payer (Bernie or Liz) gets added onto our current government with no cuts elsewhere we’re basically fucked. They’d have to cut somewhere eventually or it’ll be a spectacular trainwreck. Congress won’t cut spending ever it seems. No matter who is in charge.


Apparently neither is being a vulgar, pro-choice, thrice married, adulterous, womanizing, narcissistic, lying New York Liberal a killing blow to becoming the GOP nominee for President…

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Yeah the Dems did the same thing to “racist” to amazing affect. Now a “racist” is a white girl in a kimono at a Halloween party. Strange times.


Agreed. At the very least if we bailed them out we should have made it impossible to be too big to fail as a bank. Impossible to do what got them in that place. But again the moneyed interests couldn’t let that happen. I would say and I’m sure you agree we haven’t really been capitalists in a long time.

You’re one of my favorite posters sincerely. And I think it’s so fun to see you play pretend as if we aren’t already fucked.

Edit; Just to be clear I always count Congress as the moneyed interests as well.



@Basement_Gainz…believe me…Conservatives did their fair-share of watering down the term…

By laughing and downplaying just about every incidence where it occurred… (How many associates have I heard say. "Oh…I better not say that because it may be “racist” as they laugh and make quotes with their fingers…)…to re-labeling racist actions actions and events as something other than what it was…

Again…there is enough blame to go around…

I think some of this comes from the lack of success that the GOP was having with “liberal.” Liberal was a pretty bad label even not too long ago in the political game. Certainly held a more negative connotation on the whole than conservative did. And a lot of that was because the GOP did a good job of defining the word for people.

I’ve always thought the GOP was far better than Dems at labeling opponents something that either sticks or that they can get people to understand. I mean that even before Trump the guy with more labels than a post office

I hate racists but I’ll agree with you here. I’m sure I know what racism is when I see it but I have no idea what some other people see. Not to say they are always wrong but damn are we good at saying that word now.

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No question, @H_factor

Ironically…wasn’t it Bill Clinton (or maybe James Carvell?) who said something to the effect that if you let your opponent label you…you have already lost?

Know what I find hella impressive? The GOP holds a HILARIOUS % control over all elected positions. BUT STILL, they’re able to paint a picture of all of these govt failures ruining their lives, and it’s somehow not the fault of the vast majority party.

Shit look what happened when a black guy won the white House.

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Absolutely, @pfury.

The absolute hubris of it all is damn impressive.

The DEMS need to hire a new PR firm…!


I heard Emerdata would kill for a paying client these days.

Sorry if I came off like a jerk. It’s just that I always hear about these commie profs but have never actually seen one in person. I’m sure they exist but they really aren’t a threat to our nation.

Ooh this gives me a reason to share a song that is both political and awesome.

And yes I’m an early 30’s white man from Kansas who has always loved hip hop. I was raised on the south side of a town with 500 people. Say a lot of people go down. Mainly because the nursing home is real close to my childhood house.

But seriously I love this song and Eminem said it deserved a Grammy.


I really haven’t said how I see 2020 yet even though I have in other threads. I think Biden running is the worst scenario for Trump. He just doesn’t have a lot of dirt people don’t know about and some of the attacks on him (old and creepy) fit just as well on Trump. He’s a guy who has always played well to “average joes” no pun intended. He’s not going to be easy to paint as a crazy liberal. His history and rhetoric so far show it. Unless the primary goes long and he has to tack way left or something.

That said if I was putting odds on it I’d lay Trump around 53-56 percent range to win. He’s incredibly unpopular and has been historically so throughout. I’m convinced his floor isn’t high enough to win. He has a base that won’t go anywhere but the rabbids aren’t huge numbers. If they were he wouldn’t track so bad for so long.

We like to re-elect people and we like what we know more than what we don’t know. The economy is simply doing too good (I realize it could be debatable on what that means and who its good for) by the metrics we measure by and accept.

Foreign policy wise we aren’t in some boondoggle like Iraq to hammer him on. Afghanistan is a non starter it seems like we’ve all accepted that they are our 51st state by now. No one talks or cares they just think it’s a little weird how only the military lives in this state. He sucks off Putin and Kim which if done by Obama would have these people screaming bloody murder but I don’t think this hurts him significantly.

The wall isn’t going to get built and his own party and the American people don’t want it. But we do like to say we don’t like illegal immigration and we want to do something about it. Two things that Trump is good at saying over and over again. The cynic in me continues to say that he didn’t want it built with the majority and wouldn’t compromise because he wants to continue to run on it.

Tariffs are a huge wildcard. A decent downturn in the economy and I think he becomes a significant underdog. Most Americans don’t like him as a person one bit. If he can’t say vote for me because things are good and you want to keep them that way he loses. Caveat would be if Warren or Bernie wins and they can frame it as America dies if one of these people are elected because they said they want to eliminate homeless people or some shit.

How I see it for this thread I know I’ve wrote similar things in others. Never stopping running a campaign is going to leave him with an insane cash advantage at least initially. I don’t think this means everything but always helps. Certainly more advantageous if the Dem primary goes long. If they coalesce around Biden soon I think Biden will stack big numbers.


Da fuq did I just listen to? How did YouTube leave that shit up?

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