The Next President of the United States: III

Ya, that’s a solid moment for Reagan. I guess I’m just overly biased against Trump because all I hear is whining when he talks. “Oh I’m not being treated very nicely.” “That’s not very nice to say Megyn.” “Bill, Fox hasn’t been treating me fairly.” etc…

That and he literally has zero policy outlined except his tax plan.

I thought that would hinder Obama more, but he also sent a uniting message of “hope and change”. Obviously things didn’t turn out that way as he has only deepened divides among race/parties, but it won over voters during the campaign.

If talking about policy is boring, then yes. That’s politics. Without trump the debate is not a reality TV policy-lite argument.

Push, I’m one of the young ones who doesn’t know what that means. I think the country is at a turning point for this election, but that is between Bernie/Hillary vs. any non-Trump republican. What are you inferring? Are you saying that because of the Trump/Reagan comparison? As stated above, I don’t think that comparison is valid. Reagan was a governor of a huge state.

I can see the similarities from a foreign policy disaster standpoint leading us to this point, and I agree we need a leader to get us back on track. That leader is not Trump. Trump is not Reagan. There is no way that comparison holds.

The criticisms of Trump aren’t what he said or did on his TV show, it is with the political positions he previously held that have changed and how he behaves. Trump has by far the largest negatives of any candidate; democrat or republican. I don’t see any way he can unite the country.

Push - you nailed Trump perfectly, I mean no pundit or beard scratcher has come even remotely close to your analysis. You’re right in that he is not as conservative as he claims, he is just wise enough to tap that nerve that has been brewing for years.

Bernie is tapping into a similar nerve on the Left, where Progressives are aching for a true Progressive, yet recognize that such a candidate could not get elected.

Here you have pundits claiming that we need moderation, yet the two candidates who are labeled as the most extreme are doing the best among their respective bases.

The blood and the teeth on the mat are the icing on the cake, this race is unlike any other I have ever seen.

Obama recently mentioned that Bernie is the shiny new object in the room, too bad no one had the balls to point out that he was just that back in 2008.

I think Bernie’s success has something to do with Hillary being a terrible candidate and being investigated by the FBI. If the run of the mill Democrat actually had a solid candidate to stand behind I doubt Bernie would be doing so well.

22 Hillary Clinton emails dubbed Top Secret by the State Dept.

You mean it wasn’t the same old same old? I thought that turning a debate into a platform for “what I am going to do when elected president” was s.o.p. for these things.

More empty promises and more doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

Trump, on the other hand, says we need to help veterans then holds a fundraiser directed to that end. And He’s the idiot?

The most salient parallel between Vietnam and Iraq is that both wars were ill-advised and optional quagmires underpinned by faulty assumptions. American interests would have irrefutably been better served had neither war been conducted.

The 1979 seizure of the American embassy in Tehran was a blatant violation of one of the most foundational tenets of international law. The American sailors taken into Iranian custody, however, was a perfectly legal action. Embarrassing, yes, but not an act of war. Surely the American forces would have done the same had the roles been reversed. The U.S. craft were well within the 12 nautical mile demarcation that constitutes Iranian territorial waters. That they were returned unharmed within 24 hours is a testament to the diplomatic channels established by the recently implemented JCPOA.

What would President Push had done? Sent an air wing from the Truman and a ship full of Marines in response to the routine and justified temporary impounding of a couple patrol boats and their respective crews? Surely Iran wouldn’t have perceived that as an attack, and had they defended themselves, that surely wouldn’t have led to a shooting war and another quagmire in the Middle East.

Oh, and let us not forget Reagan’s relative ineptitude in recovering American hostages in Lebanon and the Iran-Contra debacle. The goal posts have certainly shifted in evaluating the current POTUS.

"You mean it wasn’t the same old same old? I thought that turning a debate into a platform for “what I am going to do when elected president” was s.o.p. for these things.

More empty promises and more doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

Trump, on the other hand, says we need to help veterans then holds a fundraiser directed to that end. And He’s the idiot?"

No, that makes him a bully who feels sorry for himself when some blonde bimbo (his words) asks him a tough question.