"The Memo"; Your Thoughts

Apologies, when you said

I assumed you were saying that Putin’s opinion of Clinton/Trump is conjecture.

Which is why you said Putin hating HRC and loving Trump is conjecture? Because you’re only reserving judgement re: collusion?

Nah. You’ve got google lol. Can’t do everything for you. Teach aan to fish and all that

This is a long podcast, but it’s very pertinent to this discussion.

The only question I am concerned with is Trump actually colluding with Russia to subvert the election. What or who we think Putin likes or does not like isn’t actually relevant. That is something not knowable and hence a waste of time.

Okay, well I did that, and got zero results of that statement being made. So, either it’s not true or it was in the context of when Putin was congratulating Trump, post election, on his victory. A move Putin would have made regardless of who won…

How about why Trump is refusing to enact the sanctions he signed that are in retaliation for said subversion? That one seems really important too imo

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It may not be the right move, but as evidence of collusion? No.
If you remember Obama’s ‘hot mike’ mistake before the 2012 elections talking to Putin about being able to ‘do more’ when he was reelected trying to figure out Russia and Putin has been a bi-partisan diffulty.

Here’s the pertinent info:

As I look at this more and more…and as I see Mueller “tightening the Grip” on all the people Trump surrounded himself with…the rallying cry “Drain the Swamp” has become more than laughable. Trump appears to have surrounded himself with more Swamp People and Crooks than the great “Kingfish” himself, Huey Long.

How much did Trump know and do?

We’ll see.

But I have no doubt that his Toadies got as close to collusion as one can legally get.

I wasn’t talking about it re: collusion. Just re: obvious something going on between Trump and Russia.

Aaaaaaand the whataboutism makes a showing. Cheers

Sure, really bad spin (even for a man as bad at it as Trump) is cool and all, but given we just charged a dozen Russians with fucking with us TO DATE (even recently spurring shit about the school shooting, you fuckin serious), I have a reeeeeeally hard time believing the “threat of sanctions” accomplished the goal, when they’re quite literally still fucking with us. Fuck.

What was the goal for the WH? To let Trump appear to not have sand in his vagina over Russia by signing the bill with what was probably close to the most bipartisan support of any bill in most people’s lives. He had OVERWHELMING support to impose these sanctions. It was a free win, and he even signed the damn thing. Then in true Trump fashion, he hunts down the only way to shit the bed with this and drive even more bad Russia press. Shit we had mouth breathers in this country by the assload that genuinely bought into the birther movement. On zero evidence of literally anything. We’re drowning in connections and these same idiots are like “NUH UHHHH. MAGA.”


/end rant


A nonzero percentage of the MAGA crowd wants “Obamacare” repealed but supports the Affordable Care Act.


Well, well, well…

Trump announces (to big fanfare, by the way)…the “Largest sanctions EVER…!”…against North Korea!

(Still can’t find it in his heart to mess with his Bro. Putin, though…)

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Hey man I’d sanction them too. Fucking with our election is nothing compared to hacking Sony and accomplishing almost nothing.

Then it’s out side the point…

Just because you label it doesn’t mean it’s not valid. The point is that BOTH parties have been trying to figure out how to deal with Putin’s Russia without putting them out to pasture as an enemy. This is no longer the USSR. The country is largely west friendly. Russia is not an enemy you want to have if you can avoid it. That’s why Presidents from Bush, to Obama, to Trump have been trying to navigate the complex waters of Russian relations under Putin.

I’m not out to prove Trump colluded as I’m not convinced myself. It may have been outside your point, but not mine.

Comparing an unofficial hot Mike moment to a sitting POTUS that isn’t enacting sanctions he already signed that had MASSIVE bipartisan support aren’t the same thing. Not by a mile. Shit not by 100 miles


Well, if you want to Trump bash, go nuts. I don’t care. It’s the ‘in’ thing to do anyways…

The OP was about the Nunes memo which goes to whether or not Trump colluded with the Russians to subvert the election and tip it in his favor. And that’s what I am talking about.

The only thing I fear is getting lost in all of this, is that HRC was the world’s shittiest presidential candidate. She had it in the bag. And outside Russia tickling the dials on the voting machines there is no reason why we should be talking about a President Trump right now. He had like a 300 to 1 shot at actually winning.

If you want to understand my position listen to the Sam Harris podcast I posted with Niall Ferguson as his guest. Niall articulates my position on the whole matter perfectly, better than I can.

You can click it and it will run in the background. It’s a very interesting very pertinent conversation about everything we are talking about here, by two smart people.

One thing missing in your Obama “hot mic” discussion is that Russia was, for the most part, a non-player on the world stage at the time.

Their invasion of Ukraine, and annexation of Crimea in 2014, coupled with the blatant interference in the 2016 presidential election (on a scale never seen before), changed all of that. IOW, it’s a false equivalency to compare Obama’s handling of Putin/Russia with Trump’s.

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You clearly did read what I said, or didn’t get the point of it. Or maybe I didn’t articulate it well enough. I could try and restated but I have a feeling that will be pointless.

Do what? “Shirley, you can’t be serious?”

People typically enjoy things that are very simple. Finding reasons to dislike Trump certainly qualifies lol.

Shittiest candidate (to which I nearly agree) and still won the popular vote by 3M+. That’s the part that speaks volumes to me. Genuinely repulsive human being and she still pulled more votes

Almost certainly

Not the first time and it won’t be the last. Silly Constitution…
Keep in mind it was the very same Constitution that gave us Lincoln without the popular vote the first election. So before you want to scratch that part out of the Constitution, keep the history of the country in mind…

If Lincoln couldn’t get the pop vote, he shouldn’t have got the oval. History being what it is doesn’t impact my views re: voting in a democracy

So you regard history as uninformative? Okay.

Write your congressman and propose the constitutional amendment for a strait up and down vote. Hint, we don’t live in a democracy, we live in a republic.