The Left vs. the Left

Why would I bother with giving you substance any more?

“Cast not your pearls before swine”

Wrong again. They support that which makes them more money no matter what the cost. Something that you do not see as detrimental because any root critique of business is a critique of your personal Jesus - capitalism and that is not allowed.

If more money can be made off of symptom suppression rather than a cure that is what they will do. We have a healthcare system in this country based on profit first, health second. Totally backwards.

Wow the rest of the industrial world has some form of single-payer system and the U.S. is ranked 37th in the world in overall care while spending twice as much as everyone else. And this is the system that should be emulated? Spend ungodly amounts of money to the point where it is the #1 reason for bankruptcy for sub-par results.

Proof? Ohhhhh right, you have none. In fact, you’re entire “stem cell” argument flies in the face of this assertion.

Well done.

  1. Fuck the rest of the “industrial” world. None of the examples you can cite have anywhere near the population size, diversity, cost of living ranges, nor patent (read: innovation) the US has.

  2. We have to pay the prices we do because these other countries you fellate have price ceilings, which means we subside the rest fo the world by paying the differences in costs.

We also have a insane amount of fat fucks walking around… Your point?

From the link: [quote]The conceptual framework underlying the rankings2 proposed that health systems should be assessed by comparing the extent to which investments in public health and medical care were contributing to critical social objectives: improving health, reducing health disparities, protecting households from impoverishment due to medical expenses, and providing responsive services that respect the dignity of patients. Despite the limitations of the available data[/quote]

So… You’re basing your argument on a 16 year old paper that admits limitations on Data, which means there is some bias involved?



Right because go suck Limbaugh’s dick is substance. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.

Lol, we had this conversation a while ago and twat face didn’t get it then. I doubt he’ll get it now.


@countingbeans Perfect example, lol. Less than 1% of the population declares bankruptcy each year, but muh feelz…

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They support:

  • Abortion
  • Hate trump
  • Hate religion
  • Expanded social programs
  • Global warming
  • Identity politics
  • Abolish 2nd ammendment
  • Suppression of conservative speech

Etc, etc…

Which part of that do you not like?

So you want is to be more like countries who’s population is over 95% white European, a tenth of the population, and are dependent of foreign military for their protection? Where the taxes are so high only the filthy rich can live there?

Okay, first question, what do we do with all the “brown” people?
How do we eliminate 270 million people?
And which country shall we rely on for protection?

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Oh wooptie-fucking-do. The ability to turn a phrase and understand content are vastly different things.
If Hugo Chavez supports you, you are an asshole by default.
Look how good Venezuela is doing, after implementing many of the policies a nimrod like Chomsky support.
People are broke, hungry and dying… That’s what you want for the U.S.? Rampant poverty and desperation?
You first… I’ll stick with good old hard work and capitalism…


Do you deny our “healthcare” system isn’t 1st based on profits rather than health?

Proof of what you say, oh right you don’t have any.

Proof we subsidize the rest of the world’s less expensive healthcare.

Yes we do have a lot of overweight people brought to you by the cheap “food” of the food giants. But you can’t criticize big business because that won’t jive with your ideology of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Where is your data confirming your beliefs since mine is too old to be taken with any amount of seriousness?

So you take 1 thing out of the post and base an argument-if you can call it that- on it. No wonder your a neo-conservative.

Wow I’m blown away with your airtight logic.

You like to throw around that word a lot, but without any ability whatsofuckingever to PROVE your own claims. You don’t even try to. You’ve been asked repeatedly across months and years, and you’ve come up with nothing but insinuation, conspiracy theory, and propaganda. So nut up or shut up.

That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


No, there is no argument. Fact, you’re a fucking idiot.

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Have you ever met a doctor, nurse, or the poor people who mop up the blood and shit? How about EMT’s?

I have. Most of these people are paid well, and work damn hard for it, in fact I’d say they are ALL underpaid, including the doctors.

My proof is, you’ll not find a single doctor, or hospital that refused the care of someone because the cost of helping them was more than they could charge that person. You won’t. You won’t find a single doctor that doesn’t cry on the way home when they lose a 7 year old patient, and you won’t find a single Black doctor that would refuse to save the life of a man on his bed wearing a KKK hood.

If I wouldn’t get fired I could also show you the 100’s of millions of dollars, I see from a minor player, being pumped into specific medical research by those evil 1%er’s. And you’d see the incredible good this investment will turn into, not just for rich people, but the world over.

You’re an idiot.

fucking lmao. Yes, because when drugs are a fraction of the cost in a single payer system than they are here, it’s because of evil capitalism, not the fucking fact that bills need to be paid by the company producing them, or there is no drugs available.

Being this fucking dense.

Still clinging to this huh?

I’ll do it, no problem. How about you find a legitimate point and I’ll agree.

Says’ the guy who proves nothing. Priceless.


Less than 1% isn’t the point. The point is that healthcare is the #1 reason for bankruptcy.

And there are plenty more sources.

What country do you think we should emulate?

As long as the position makes them more money. It may not be monolithic but nearly so and with the media outlets concentrated in fewer and fewer hands it is headed that way. But hey as long as their making more money, that is the most important issue.

The question was, what position of the main stream media do you disagree with, other than the fact that they are the dirty word “corporate”? I work for a corporation, should I lose my job and let my kids starve? Are you going to take care of us?