The Left vs. the Left

You deserve a trophy for your patience dude, trying to explain this shit to him. The older I get the less patience I have.


That’s for damn sure. There are people I can barely have conversations with any more that I used to argue for hours with happily. I’ve got things to accomplish lol

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So if someone ate a certain amount of calories from wild salmon and another ate it in Twinkies and exercised with the exact same workouts AND kept up this diet long term. Your contention is there would be no difference in fat gain?

And fat content correlates and has some causes for health problem YOU DENSE FUCK!

Maybe those doctors can explain why others have come up with a different conclusion. I wonder who is funding their study?

And the reason why GMO labeling is being furiously fought has nothing to do with cost and everything to do with the fear of the food giants being afraid the public won’t buy their Franken foods. But you keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

If you want to consume those products that is your CHOICE but why don’t you feel that others ought to know that the food they are eating are genetically modified?

So moron lefties won’t initiate starvation epidemics just like you fucking retards have allowed shit like measles to re-flourish because you deny hard science.

Again why do you want to deny others their choice?

You will believe anything to keep your ideology alive. Tell me, what flavor of Kool-Aid did you drink most recently?

Hard science, huh?

Let me get this straight. You have to go to extremes to prove a point and not give medicine any credit for helping to wipe out epidemics??

Why not label foods and let people make the choice?

Really? Care to provide any proof of that statement or should I just believe you?

I’ll provide evidence once you have provided definitions for what you define specifically as “higher wage”, and “productive”. Specific definitions that can be checked not some bullshit like “competitive industry” which is essentially just restating your first point.

Do you support the labeling of food that contains DNA? Why or why not?


Or even worse…

DiHydrogen Monoxide.

It’s a major component of acid rain, yet it’s still in our food!


Ah, you’ll ruin it! I was curious to see if he would actually answer lol.

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I don’t.

Why? Because people don’t need to know everything. Like, once you know, now what? Probably a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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Competitive wage vs. minimum wage definition. Competitive Wages Vs. Minimum Wages | Work -

Productivity as defined by the Bureau Of Labor Statistics Productivity Home Page : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
What Is Productivity?

I support just about any labeling that let’s the consumer know what he/she is purchasing. Do you? Why or why not?

People ought to have the right to know what they are buying. Do you not agree? If not, why?

So people should not have the right to know what they are buying?

People do have that right. Whether or not it should be exercised so vigorously is the question.

What would you do if you found out that your carrots contained DNA?

You’d reverse engineer them and make your own.

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Of course I agree.

You need to help spread the word on DiHydrogen Monoxide (DHMO).

“Research conducted by award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner concluded that roughly 86 percent of the population supports a ban on dihydrogen monoxide. Although his results are preliminary, Zohner believes people need to pay closer attention to the information presented to them regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide. He adds that if more people knew the truth about DHMO then studies like the one he conducted would not be necessary.”

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