The GOP: Brilliant SOB's!

Then what are you on about? Taxing the rich, more? It would be a mere pitance of additional revenue for the government to waste.
Sorry, I don’t buy into the theory that I should expect others to do more. Lots of things you or anybody else can do right now. Join a mission to help the poor. Do ‘Big Brothers/ Big Sisters’, dig wells in Nicaragua for the poor. Ji
A lot of this does not even require substatial funds, just some of your time.
You want others to give, you give first, others will join you.

I know exactly what happened in Venezuela, targeting the rich and business owners where very much part of the march to socializmo.
I can put you in contact with displaced Venezuelans if you want. You can here it from them. Actually they proprobably wouldn’t talk to you. Not personal they just don’t ‘do computers’. If you were to come over for dinner they would be happy to tell you all about Chavez and his draconian means and their friends who ‘disappeared’ literally abducted by the government. It all started by targeting the wealthy. That was phase one.

I’m not on about anything. I don’t agree with blanket “tax the rich more.” I think we should be focused on subsidies reductions and eliminating loopholes that megacorps use that small businesses can’t.

I’ll assume this is a more general “you” lol.

With things like this going on, it makes sense that “taxing the wealthy” would be the real culprit.

It’s obvious you have no idea what you are talking about. That’s fine provided that the people you are preaching to are as ignorant of the facts as you. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.

Oh well, you could have just said that. I agree with that and taking a more ‘flat tax’ approach so that all but the poor get taxed proportionally and away with loopholes and safety nets.

Yes it was a general ‘you’, not you.

The point of the story was that the downfall of Venezuela was catalyzed by class warfare. ‘Tax the rich’, or flat just nationalize their private businesses is what set in motion the chain of events that led to the current debacle. Sad too, it was a nice place. Amazing steak! Nearly died there, but that’s another story.
And since we’re not actually talking about a ‘tax the rich’ strategy, the point of the story is moot.

Would you like some cheese to go with that “whine”?

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Again, this is wrong.