The Flame-Free Confession Thread

No, the version in my head. I first read The Hobbit aged 8 and it has been my favourite book ever since. I loved the Peter Jackson LOTR films, but was quite disappointed with The Hobbit films, although I thought Mikael Persbrandt was a good choice of actor for Beorn.

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Ok, got to admit I kind of enjoyed having my ego stroked at work today. Talking with a guy I know he informed me that, the general consistence among most of the guys there was “that I was one of the last individual that they would want to get into a physical altercation with.” Well I guess all the time I put in lifting has had some benefits,LOL :wink:


Ha ha same here, everyone you tell is always super shocked, like how you could you live without seeing it. Fk it’s only TV !!


I like it when they always try to convince me to watch it. They don’t realise that I effectively know the plot anyways thanks to all the spoilers they sprinkle into their “arguements.”

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Lol I just get them to explain the plot and then ask lots of why questions and point the obvious flaws in the basic plot lines. They always bite its better than bass fishing

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Ooh man that’s harsh.

If people try and talk shit about Shameless, AHS or HIMYM I lose my shit at them :joy:

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It’s one of those types of games I always wanted to play but never knew anyone who actually played it. My roommmates brought it up the other night asking if I was interest. We are learning as we’re going as we don’t understand all the bonuses but we’re almost always laughing our asses off at something. I made my character’s personality kinda crazy mesh of some of the more colorful characters in the fitness industry.

I have always been nerdy, this kind o thing is perfect for me. Really easy to lose lot of hours just doing simple things with these types of games.


I actually feel and perform better in the gym when I eat less. I really don’t know why but when I switched to 3 meals a day instead of 4-5 meals + snacks, my strength increased and I had a week full of Prs in the big 4

Yeah, I had that experience over Christmas. Aussie flu. Like all things Aussie, it’s kind of bigger and more crude

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@T3hPwnisher if you have Netflix I would suggest this for your viewing pleasure


Bulldog man

My view point is if you would not say something in real life to a individual you have no rite to say it to them hiding behind a screen in a forum setting.


Much appreciated dude. Been meaning to sit down and watch it.

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Anyone watched The punisher or Animal kingdom on Netflix? Probably my two favourite series atm.


watch all the Punisher…


I did enjoy this but I felt it lacked something. Given how amazing the events around that Arnold were it fell a little flat for me. Still worth a watch.

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I cut my own hair for the first time today. Not gonna lie I feel like a bit of a badass

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Mandatory POIDH post.

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Put It in Her Bum.

Pretty sure the letters add up…


I watched the Eddie Hall documentary on Christmas! the family were a bit “ermagerd these people with their MUSCLES” but I think they got the point?