The Flame-Free Confession Thread

All lifting is boring.


Dogma, man. It’s tough to break it.

I made a training knife but didn’t have anyone to try it with so I used both my socks to tie it to my heavy bag. Worked well.


Need way more explanation on WTF is going on here.


You don’t train yourself to take stab wounds…??

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Maybe it’s the latest way crossfitters try to injure themselves?


I’m here to confess my abject lack of knife fighting skills.


rocket science


Stabbing is fine and all but there’s more entertaining ways to damage your liver


explosion noises

mind blown

Did Sumo deadlifts for first time ever yesterday
Just got a wild hair to add some variety to my Front squat/Dip/Chin workout
My ass and upper hamstrings are sore as hell
May keep them in rotation for six weeks to strengthen my posterior chain

I’m not sure how someone with as jaded a view about weight training as you have, can still be so motivated and such a machine in the weight room. Makes me confused…

If I don’t like something, I don’t do it for long. My reasoning is that life is too short.

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I improved upon my sock design with some straps and did it again. Here’s a clarifying video.

That is the most gimmicky, useless 'martial art’s tactic I have seen in awhile.

I know you will probably tell me it improves your reaction time and hitting accuracy but in reality it is forcing you to make sloppy punches and kicks as you will be focusing more on not hitting the knife rather than focusing on your form. Not to mention the enevitable time when it hits you in the face, stabs your eye or puts a hole through your shin or fist.

If you are adamant about continuing this I recommend

  • Using a knife sized blunt stick
  • Hitting the bag 90% of the time without the stick on it to improve your form
  • Not hitting it free form like the (appalling) video. Do drills so you start to gauge how the bag and the stick react. One, two, kick. Reset. Left, left, right hook. Reset.

This is exactly ‘majoring in the minors’ but for martial arts.

You don’t have great strikes. You don’t have great kicks and you don’t have great footwork. How do I know this? Because you are a teenager and it takes years of precise repetition to get great form (just like a powerlifter).

Instead of trying to barbell squat on a bosu ball (so to speak), 1st get your goblet squats down pact.


I like the results of lifting enough to do thing I dislike doing to get there.

I find brushing my teeth boring too, but I really like having teeth.


WTF man? I hope you tie a good knot is all I have to say.

Ah touche’

I am less confused now.

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Yeah, no worries. I know I am odd this way. I genuinely do not know WHY I want to be strong; just that I do.


Perhaps, you just don’t want to be weak?