The First Presidential Debate

You are accusing a man of raping several people. That is a serious allegation. No one is saying that it could not have happened or even that it did not happen. However, in this country you are afforded Due Process under the law and you are innocent until proven guilty.

That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest and per usual it is incredibly hypocritical. Try applying the same standard to Donald Trump.

For example, his ex-wife accused him of violating her. He’s a powerful man that has the ability to circumvent the nation’s laws. He must have just paid her off to change her story.

Conjecture is fun…

At any rate, all of this is beside the point. You’re mad about a lawsuit being brought up 50 or so years ago and then flippantly offered the example regarding Trump’s grandfather; yet, I’m pretty confident you’re more than happy to hear Trump bring up Bill’s issues as if Hillary should be judged by the actions of her husband.

You should be judged based on your actions not the actions of others around you.
