The First Bakery Decision

No one is telling you what toppings you have to get on your pizza.

No, I understand that wasn’t what the Judge said. I just see all of these cases as a big waste of time. A private business should not be forced to provide a good or service against their will. We make all these exceptions and excuses, but they’re wrong.


Not American but this interests me.

Is this right to refuse based on religious freedoms only?

If one is homophobic and not religious, can they also refuse to bake a gay couple a cake? (Or is this covered by freedom of speech?)

Are they in business against their will? It’s not like they are being compelled to do something they weren’t already prepared to do for someone else.

I tend to agree. In the era of Jim Crow it was necessary, but not now, imo.

Is this said against EVERY time the govt has ever forced people to provide a good/service, or just this case specifically?

I can’t speak for @Alrightmiami19c , but I oppose government involvement in private business everytime. I don’t care for the old laws that backed outright and private slavery, the Jim Crow Laws that were forced upon private business, or the idea that a black baker should be forced to decorate a cake with symbols of white supremacy if asked.

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TBF, this particular case doesn’t say anyone ought to be forced to perform a a task under threat of penalty, fine or incarceration/violence (logical conclusion). The judge states a privately owned and operate business is obligated to sell the product of a previously performed economic activity (an already baked cake) that is arbitrarily displayed within said privately owned and operated establishment to whoever wishes to purchase said cake regardless of the sentiments of the proprietor under thread of penalty (fine/incarceration/violence).

That being said, the State of Oregon has different feelings on the matter:

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I understand. Someone asked about opposition to all government involvement in private business. I oppose all government interference in private business; I just listed some examples of situations in which I oppose government interference.

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How about in the case that ER’s aren’t allowed to reject dying people?

How about it? I also oppose government licensure of medical practitioners in order to limit competition.

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Gotcha. Have a good one.



I…nope, I’ve tried to start responding to this a couple times, and I just can’t do it. Nope.


I always forget. I’ll end up seeing something and hoping that I’m just misreading it. Then…



You disagree? Government licensure is backed by politicians that can deploy force. Do (most) politicians have any medical expertise? Do (most) police leaders? Do (most) military leaders? Either they do, or licensure would be better handled voluntarily and without government involvement.

Crazy is about perspective and either a lack of willingness to understand or lack of ability to explain. It’s basically either a disconnect in communication or an actual mental deficiency - you saying Nick if crazy tells me it’s a lack of willingness to understand (or ability but in your case I’ll err on willingness you seem like a colorful crayon) his perspective, whether you agree or not.

nick is apparently not crazy and you’re apparently not dumb so it’s a deficiency in communication on one or both sides.

Nick’s a little crazy, lol.


I’ve been looking for a Short Round meme with his face and the text “He No Nuts, He Crazy.” but I can’t find one and I can’t make one right now :frowning:

