The $100,000 Pyramid

The rules, no one can start a new category until the first has been answered correctly.

Questioner offers three hints to start. After that, more hints can be offered until the category topic is correctly guessed.

Winner immediately receives *$100,000 and starts a new category.

Rinse. Repeat.

*Payable in Internets. Exchange to currency is the responsibility of the recipient.

I’ll start.




Should be a cinch for class of 2007 and below. Maybe a bit harder for the noobs.

Expired posters

[quote]CargoCapable wrote:
Expired posters[/quote]

Now I friggin KNOW you’re Texas Guy.

You’re up.


Funny smells

Feminine hygiene product

  • I think I’m doing it right, if they can capitulate to a single item

And nah, with your 2007 or before I made an educated guess.

[quote]CargoCapable wrote:

Funny smells

Feminine hygiene product

  • I think I’m doing it right, if they can capitulate to a single item

And nah, with your 2007 or before I made an educated guess.[/quote]

And Rainjack as your first clue?

C’mon, dude, give it up.



Ok you’re up again.

You fuckers are up early.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
You fuckers are up early.[/quote]
Regardless of bedtime, I have two dogs licking my face at a set time every morning to be let out to pee.


Okay, harder one:

Eating with your right hand.

Harvesting dates.

Looking at dirt.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
You fuckers are up early.[/quote]

10pm where I am. No weirdness happening here.

I was wondering when someone else was going to join.

[quote]Cortes wrote:

Okay, harder one:

Eating with your right hand.

Harvesting dates.

Looking at dirt.

Being middle eastern

[quote]CargoCapable wrote:

[quote]Cortes wrote:

Okay, harder one:

Eating with your right hand.

Harvesting dates.

Looking at dirt.

Being middle eastern[/quote]

I was gonna say that, but I was thinking the last item would have been “wiping with left hand”.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

[quote]CargoCapable wrote:

[quote]Cortes wrote:

Okay, harder one:

Eating with your right hand.

Harvesting dates.

Looking at dirt.

Being middle eastern[/quote]

I was gonna say that, but I was thinking the last item would have been “wiping with left hand”.
If it is correct take my spot then. I’m about to pop out to a brunch buffet I like.

[quote]CargoCapable wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

[quote]CargoCapable wrote:

[quote]Cortes wrote:

Okay, harder one:

Eating with your right hand.

Harvesting dates.

Looking at dirt.

Being middle eastern[/quote]

I was gonna say that, but I was thinking the last item would have been “wiping with left hand”.
If it is correct take my spot then. I’m about to pop out to a brunch buffet I like.[/quote]
No. I insist you keep it!

I’m about to head out with the wife to get meat and eggs at a local farm.

Well one of yall take it. The answer was “Things to do in the Middle East,” and that guess was close enough.

I avoided the left hand because it would have given it away too easily and “right” can be ambiguous, but apparently I need to step up my game.

I will do an easy one as I can’t stick around to give hints




I’m out for about 24 hours so yall have fun with it.