Thanksgiving CHEAT Dessert

Pumpkin pie is actually pretty healthy, especially if you make it with Splenda.

Stay clear of pecan pie though. The nuts are good, but it is loaded with sugar and has twice the calories of regular pumpkin pie.

I plan to eat whatever I want on Thanksgiving, and treat the whole day as a cheat day. My only caveat is that I won’t eat past the point of being comfortably full.

Why Dessert singular? I eat a large piece of everything, as long as it’s homemade. My aunts can cook.

I plan on hitting at least 7 PRs the next day.

If you have ever had, or have access to fat ass pie… you would not be asking these trivial questions.

That I can assure you.

Eating it, is like having an orgy, in your mouth, while in heaven with viking goddesses to message your feet and feed you peeled grapes. In between mouthfuls of fatass pie mind you.
