Thanks from a French Newbie...

Mr Thibaudeau…
First of all, it’s easy for me to pronounce your name, sounds like home! I don’t want to imagine what would happen with my own name : mi-GAY-rou…
I’m a newbie.
You know the kind who’s made fun of bodybuilders his whole life…
Until last year.
I went for a surf trip and for the first time of my life, my body became an obstacle to my surf… Man, I was out of shape, why???
Fuck! I was FAT!!!

I used to be a guy quite muscular and strong but the last few years… Less activities, more junk food… Change your Levi’s size… the one you’d wear since your twentys…
I’m 40 now. And old newbie for sure…
But I’ve lost 17 kg, come back to the good Levi’s size and more muscular than ever.
Began by run and swin once a week plus twice a week practicing the “méthode Laffay” a french well known book of body weight exercices.
Résults were goods and feeling so much better.

Few months ago, I began to read more and more about bodybuilding, discovered T-Nation, bought olympic barbell…
But for sure, I’ve read lots of stuff, but I want to thank you for your newbie’s article about training and dieting, the best I’ve read.
Very motivating and understanding pieces of writing.

I’m feeling quite ashame to write this (perhops it’s the GAY in my name…) but I’d like to sincerely thank you for your precious advice.
MERCI Christian Thibaudeau.