Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Heart Disease

Vitamin K can help keep calcium out of your artery walls or calcifying lesions.

lef.com has several articles about Vit-K that you can search for there:
Does Vitamin K Help You Slow The Aging? - Life Extension

Doc tried to put my Dad on heart meds for an irregular heart beat. Dad reads the side effects and tossed them. Vit-K fixed the problem and doc did not understand how this happened. Dad is doing well for 100 years old, still driving and buying groceries etc. Hardly ever sees a doc and docs ask him what supplements he takes. I will never bat 100!

That is good to know. And I am on a drug for the next three months that destroys vitamin K

That is not good, will more Vit-K compensate?

I eat a ton a greens so I already know what happens. My dose is monitored, it is an anticoagulant, the more greens I eat (vitamin K) the more warfarin I need. I am only on this until January