Testosterone Levels Through the Roof?

Key takeaways:

  • If you are testing at TT levels above 1500 ng/dl expected, get an LC/MS-MS assay (always a good choice actually)
  • Make sure you gear is dosed correctly (third party testing)
  • Use graph above and table to confirm you are even in the vicinity of expected range

Plot shows mean TT level (ng/dl) vs weekly equivalent dose of test ester (mg/week). Test at trough and use table to convert to mean based on your protocol (E7D, E3.5D, etc).

Table: conversion between peak/trough/mean for first order absorption/elimination PK model assuming 4.5 day elimination half life and 8 hr absorption half life


Fig. Mean TT level vs weekly equivalent dose (mg/week) with your protocol tested at trough.

Example: Arnold is taking 200 mg/week of TC (Q3.5D protocol). He measures at trough and tests at 1000 ng/dl. Using table above for Q3.5D protocol, mean/trough = 1.2. Therefore mean TT = 1.2*1000 = 1200 ng/dl. Plot the point on the curve and you see he’s less than 50%tile on his dose response (~25-30% eyeballing).

Since this topic comes up alot I have made a topic and go more into the dose response tool here.

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