Testogel Not Absorbing

This is exactly what I mean by saying “half life”.
Testosterone cypionate - Wikipedia - look at the elimination half life here of 8 days. You have reference to the source there

That reference specifically says 4.5 days and 8.5 days for Testosterone Enanthate without actually giving any figures for Cypionate, even though it’s the Cypionate subject. Read man, read.

Dude, you have 4.5 days elimination half life for enanthate, and you have 8 days for cypionate in the right panel. Not so hard to find

It say 4-5 days, but maintains a higher Concentration of total testosterone over a longer time than cypionate, thus the residence mean time numbers. Enanthate stays in your body slightly longer and provides more testosterone than cypionate in IM use.

I need to very well observe that research, how it is possible to reach half the medication after shorter time and to have residence time for longer?
But any way I do not seem the mean residence time important.
If you want to maintain relatevely steady blood levels one should focus on the elimination half life, I guess it is pretty clear why.

The thing is what does it really matter? Such a big debate over a few hours, maybe a couple days difference. It means nothing to the average guy taking TRT who is probably on once weekly jabs and happy with how he’s feeling. Guys are on here and other forums because generally we’re struggling to feel good or are deeply interested in the research and subject itself. When a guy like OP posts it’s really irrelevant if he uses test e or test c in my opinion, outcomes are so similar anyway. A lot of guys on here have been on TRT for years and know their stuff. I think it’s best to only put your personal experience and not what you surmise or assume from reading posts on forums. Sorry man, but that’s what I believe.

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Only your/mine personal experience is very very subjective. We are too different. It will be like telling everyone to do exactly what Im doing.

I think when someone is giving advice he should give ideas that would work for 60-70 percent of the guys in a given situation. And that would work optimal for them. And I believe there are such approaches that have high chance of success in the majority of guys according to their condition.

This is what the best HRT doctors out there are doing - they start you on a protocol with high chance of success regarding your particularities and fine tune you from there. But they dont start you on a protocol with low chance of success like one injection sustanon every 10 days. I dont believe any of the experienced TRT doctors would start such a protocol. This is how the average insurance based health care endo would start you, and we know most of these guys are doing excellent demos of bad TRT practices.

And yes, regarding point that most guys out there are doing once per week - probably it is like that. But I cannot agree that many of them would not feel even better if further optimizing their protocol - dosage, frequency, removing unnecessary stuff etc

We don’t know what this is though, we’re not doctors consulting with 60-70% of guys. I’m not attacking you here. But realize you often say “most guys…” Internet forums and personal experience don’t mean most. I try only post my experience and opinion. I think you’re really trying to help people not go through what you did, but there’s a lot of experience on here, we can all learn from it. Not every different opinion is an attack. Anyway, I’d prefer to leave it there, just my 2c anyway.