Testicular Atrophy

hey guys,

I ran a 6 week cycle of Testo E 250, 3 times/ week along with oral minstrel 50mg ED.

Last week of cycle, my testes were severely atrophied.
my pct is nolvadex 20/20/20 , clomid 100/50

  1. Would that be enough to bring back the their size? OR should i have used HCG towards the end of the cycle?

  2. Is being atrophied common to everyone on heavy test usage, and will they recover with nova and / or clomid only?


[quote]lucien wrote:
hey guys,

I ran a 6 week cycle of Testo E 250, 3 times/ week along with oral minstrel 50mg ED.

Last week of cycle, my testes were severely atrophied.
my pct is nolvadex 20/20/20 , clomid 100/50

  1. Would that be enough to bring back the their size? OR should i have used HCG towards the end of the cycle?

  2. Is being atrophied common to everyone on heavy test usage, and will they recover with nova and / or clomid only?


  1. Usually doctors start out with a measly 25 mg of clomid (half a tab) and take it from there. If that doesn’t work, they go up to 50 or 25 one day, 50 the next, and might increase it until they see changes in LH, FSH, and T. At least that’s what my doc does. Unless you get regular lab values, you won’t have the slightest clue of what’s going on.

2.a) Atrophy is common amongst nearly EVERYONE who uses heavy test doses and TRT. Actually, I don’t know a single person on TRT without HCG who hasn’t experienced atrophy. I have been on high or moderate dose HCG for the past six months and I have not gained all testicular size back. When I only used T, mine were half the size of normal when my doctor once checked. I’d say they are approximately 75% normal size now, even with now using 1000 IU HCG three times per week with 100 mg of testosterone per week.

2.b) Recovery with clomid is not a guarantee for all. AGAIN, no one knows what the hell is going on without lab values, especially when they are not in the care of a qualified doctor.

2.c) AI’s are not necessary for all people.

Take home: most people shouldn’t screw around with roids in the first place.

Please read these stickies:

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones

That PCT is typical bro-science bull shit. Do not take high dose SERM’s, do not stack SERMs or SERMs+hCG

What is “minstrel”


Created today:

[quote]KSman wrote:
Created today:

Hello and thank you KSman

i have read the article and i get it that you think i need to restart my HPTA? why so? is my cycle and timing of PCT that wrong? what is it that i have that is not common to most steroid users?


This "my pct is nolvadex 20/20/20 , clomid 100/50 " is wrong and typical bro-science dosing. That is the common element. HPTA shutdown from gear and from TRT are the same. One problem even with a perfect PCT result is that your brain and other systems have been exposed to very high levels of T; when you go to normal T levels, you will feel like crap. Sort of the same mechanics as addiction. We do have the wreckage of guys who crash on the reef of gear and wash up on these shores; I get pissed off with the self destruction.

If you desensitize testes to LH, what do you expect as a result.

If the testes have been exposed to very high LH/FSH, what to you expect them to do when LH/FSH drops to mid-range normal?

You did not describe a SERM taper. Without one, HPTA will see a huge amount of estrogens and shutdown.