Tested for Adrenal Fatigue....

Just got my 24 hour hormone urinalysis results. Haven’t yet talked with the Doc. Would greatly appreciate any and all comments, concerns and insight. As always, thanks much!

Just got my 24 hour hormone urinalysis results. Haven’t yet talked with the Doc. Would greatly appreciate any and all comments, concerns and insight. As always, thanks much!

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Sorry for some of the double posts, having troubles with the uploads…

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Seems I’ve got some form of adrenal fatigue, maybe not strong yet. But it hinders me to raise T3 drug. If I go over 6.25mcg to 12.5mcg I start to get hyper symptoms. These are saliva cortisol tests I’ve done june 2018:

Cortisol, morning 6-10h sal 28.61nmol/l 0 - 24.10 ECLIA

Cortisol, afternoon 16-20h. sal 0.92nmol/l 0 - 9.65 ECLIA

Cortisol, night 23:30-0:30h. sal 2.59nmol/l 0 - 11.30 ECLIA

These are the recommendations from stopthethyroidmadness:

Here are the consistent results of people who do not have an adrenal problem, which is also your target when on adrenal cortex or hydrocortisone:

  • 8 am (or when you normally wake up) : at the tip top part of the range (if top of range is 9.5, people are right there, or 9.4, etc)

  • 11 am-noon (or approx. 4 hours after you woke up): in the upper quarter, closer to the bottom of that quarter

  • 4-5 pm (or approx. 4-5 hours after the above): right “around” mid-range

  • Bedtime: at the very bottom (Literally. So if range is 1-4, people are at 1, not even 2)

Clearly I deviate. I need to order another saliva cortisol now and test again, but seems I also have some of the symptoms:

Fatigue, anxiety , light-headedness, shakiness, dizziness, nausea, fe eling unrefreshed after getting up in the morning, insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night, difficulty dealing with stressful situations, overreacting, overly defensive …plus problems raising NDT or T3. Dr. Rind says “ Most people have a mixture of poor thyroid and poor adrenal function rather than purely one or the other, and therefore a mixture of symptoms”.

I underlined the once I have.

What I could not understand is how to fix this.

Some schools of thought say TRT can fix adrenal issues like that. Others say this must be fixed before TRT and I’m a bit confused :slight_smile: