Test Your DNA - Get Racial Benefits

I find this predictable and sad…

The New York Times reports that for $99 to $250, you can get a DNA kit that will allow you to determine your racial ancestry, which can then be used to establish your eligibility for various racial and ethnic benefits. According to the Times:

[i] Prospective employees with white skin are using the tests to apply as minority candidates, while some with black skin are citing their European ancestry in claiming inheritance rights.

One Christian is using the test to claim Jewish genetic ancestry and to demand Israeli citizenship, and Americans of every shade are staking a DNA claim to Indian scholarships, health services and casino money.

"This is not just somebody's desire to go find out whether their grandfather is Polish," said Troy Duster, a sociologist at New York University who has studied the social impact of the tests. "It's about access to money and power."[/i]

Can anybody be surprised at this development? A representative of the University of Michigan is quoted in the piece as saying that a person who has gone through life thinking of himself as white has not experienced the things that affirmative action is supposed to remedy. That strikes me as often true, but by no means always true. One can be discriminated against if others perceive him as being a member of a group even if he does not consider himself a member. In any event, the University of Michigan depends upon applicants to self-report their race or ethnicity “accurately.” If Michigan can’t depend upon applicants to do so to its satisfaction, what method is going to use instead?

It’s racist. I mean, I’d quite like to know my actual racial origins- nobody ever managed to get the truth out of grandad before he died. I just wouldn’t go to the trouble of paying real money for it. I mean, for fuck’s sake, who actually cares? It would say dick all about me or anybody else who took the test.

I think it could be a good thing.

No it wouldn’t- screwing money out of people because they think a DNA test says more about them than their own actions? Sick. Fucking sick.

This reminds of when I learned from a family member that I had Native American Indian heritage.

Upon hearing that news, practically every other classmate of mine said “hey, you gonna try to get some minority scholarship money?”


Not really surprising, people always find loopholes if they exist, exploiting inherent flaws in systems is not new nor will it change. People should receive rewards for accomplishments and aide should be for the disadvantaged. Sadly however there is too much political pressure preventing appropriate methods of determining worthyness

Not really surprising, people always find loopholes if they exist, exploiting inherent flaws in systems is not new nor will it change. People should receive rewards for accomplishments and aide should be for the disadvantaged. Sadly however there is too much political pressure preventing appropriate methods of determining worthyness

My blonde haired, blue eyed, freckled son is at least 50% hispanic.

I’m sure he’ll be applying for LULAC and La Raza scholarships someday.

My family has Native American blood. My children should look into any opportunity available to them. On N.P.R. I heard of a black woman trying to collect her inheritance from the British family that controls B.P… Her problem is being a woman not being black.

[quote]doogie wrote:
My blonde haired, blue eyed, freckled son is at least 50% hispanic.

I’m sure he’ll be applying for LULAC and La Raza scholarships someday.[/quote]