Test-Free Cycle Advice?

Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it. They just agreed to add it to the policy. So I guess I’ll wait until it’s all written out and set in stone so I can have a better understanding as to what exactly they’ll be looking for.

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Wow, that’s amazing. I’ve gone from blast (500/750 mg), knocked to 150mg for four weeks, week of test I take 50mg TC Monday, test friday and I’m still above 800. Makes it harder to figure out blast and cruise timing for me, you clearly clear much faster which is great for testing!


he would provide the script

Sure, from the discussion about it seems that even with a script he could potentially get in trouble.

It seems inconsistent of this employer to be screening for this particular pharma drug, but not all pharma drugs. It seems to me to be a case of special pleading in which one has justified AAS to be worse than SSRIs, pain killers or other drugs that people take without a script. Screening illegal drugs seems justified, but SSRIs and pain killers are also illegal without a script. Why is AAS being singled out?

yea def seems strange, especially if its a state / gov fire dept job …

Yeah it’s crazy. They even added CBD products. I guess since we had a few guys get popped for alcohol last year they are locking down. And yeah it’s a govt. job

Call up a clinic, tell them you’ve been using AAS but want to be responsible, healthy, stop taking them and start TRT under their care. Your natural levels won’t come up cos most of these clinics won’t make you come all the way off to check them

I’ll give that a shot, thanks