Test 330. Estradiol <5. Free T and SHBG Normal

Please read these stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

With natural guys, not on TRT, FT levels are changing a lot during the day. So any given LH/FSH test is not representative. Your TT is your better measure. As E2 is low, low FT–>E2 suggests low average FT.

So you have a doctor who is discussing T+AI+hCG?

Without LH/FSH, you have no idea if your pituitary output of LH/FSH is low or your testes are not working.

Labs: - you have some now
LH/FSH - MUST be done prior to TRT
fasting cholesterol
fasting glucose
fT4 [please not T3, T4]

Weight gain indicates a low metabolic rate and/or lifestyle issues. Thyroid hormones control your base metabolic rate and body temperature. If body temps are low, your overall thyroid function is low. You can check body temps as per the thyroid basics sticky. You can have thyroid problems from not using iodized salt and/or vitamins that list iodine+selenium.

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