TED Talks : Enough With The Fear Of Being Fat

Not giving someone something =/= denying them that thing.

fuck me dude. What happened to you? You’re smarter than this. He owes you nothing.

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Fine, but I was just told that I’m responsible for the spread of HIV because I won’t go out and hand out needles to junkies…

That is total horse shit, because I don’t have HIV, needles or engaged in the life choices that spread either.

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If you are claiming that, on balance, needle-exchange programs do more harm than good, I would like to see the evidence supporting that claim.

He has some very deep very personal connections to drug addiction that makes him completely and totally irrational on that very specific issue.

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Wanna bet me money again? Never said any such thing. What I said was, if you give a junkie a needle you are directly morally responsible for the use of that needle. Come on, what’s your speech for the handicapped kids you directly helped create ED? My dad would love to know.

Supporting/advocating for a health-care program doesn’t imply one is positing a positive right to healthcare any more than supporting/advocating for government-built/maintained roads implies one is positing a positive right to car ownership. Public roads are to the benefit of the populace; likewise, so is a needle-exchange program.

Uh, no. not even close. Advocating government roads is advocating the positive right of roads. Just like advocating government needles is advocating the positive right of needles. No one ever said anything about cars.

And what I’m asking is whether, on balance, you believe needle-exchange programs do more harm than good. Or perhaps you’re a ‘stand on principle’ guy for whom it doesn’t matter?

Yea, I get that. But how does the dispersion of responsibility from the actor to the person who objects to accommodating them help?

And where does it end?

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I have at no point advocated any particular side of the needle exchange debate. I also see no particular point answering your tangential question when you were using it to dodge my question.

To suggest that roads are built as ends unto themselves is simply silly.

Then you failed in your comparison and I’m sorry that I cannot fix your own comparison for you.


Let’s see…

She’s the one pushing poison into her veins. She’s the one that got pregnant. She’s the one that took the risk of contracting and passing HIV to her soon to be born child.

How is it not ALL her blame?

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Am enjoying the discussion, but duty calls. Will check in later to see how the discussion has evolved.

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I don’t think ED realizes he’s talking to addicts here.

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I know this might seem random posting this here but I think I have become mildly orthorexic because of the obesity epidemic, like mildly fearful of becoming fat simply because I am constantly around obese people. I estimate that of approximate 400 co-workers, 90+% are overweight, with the majority of those classifying as obese (BMI > 30). I’m not exaggerating!

I have nothing against overweight and I’ve had overweight loved ones and friends. Actually, though I come from a fat phobic family, even my overweight granddad wasn’t fond of fat people and would actually refer to someone as “the fat guy”. I’d look at him thinking, “aren’t YOU a fat guy?!”

Regarding my mild orthorexia (definitely not diagnosable), I once last year went to an Italian restaurant for a delicious, greasy meal, say shrimp parmigian, a favorite of mine. There were so many obese patrons that I gave up my preference and ordered grilled chicken, salad and a bean soup.


He seems familiar enough with the territory.

I can see where he’s coming from on the social responsibility aspects of it, in that it is better to help someone stay healthy if they refuse to get clean, I just don’t agree with the part where it becomes the fault of others.

If something like a needle exchange or provision of pharma grade narcotics is undertaken- good for the people who participate. I disagree with the part where responsibility leaves the ones who have taken it on and is shed to others who have nothing to do with it.

I see the whole viewpoint that if you aren’t with it you are against it as divisive and inconsiderate of people who don’t have a dog in that particular fight.

In my free time I volunteer to help disabled vets. That doesn’t mean that people who don’t are responsible for their neglect.


LOL! I’m pretty sure this is my fault for bringing up needles and pills. I take complete personal responsibility for the time you’ve wasted thinking about it, and for derailing benanything’s thread. If it helps, I feel really, really guilty about it. You could have been outside planting a tree.

To make amends. No, I wouldn’t sleep with that chick for $5000. Back on track.


I don’t have any answers for you, but a little bit of worry about being healthy is probably not hurting you. If it’s negatively effecting your ability to enjoy your life, or is seriously impacting your family, then maybe start trying to loosen up.

This is a good example of how knowing how to be healthy, and actually doing healthy things consistently are two very different things. Lots of really obese nurses out there.

This is how we decide that big soda cups should be illegal.

HUGE Threadjack.
For another analogy.
I think burning fossil fuels has a causative effect on climate change.
I have a house full of things (carbon emissions) that are not essential to my survival.
I’m planning to take the family to Hawaii for Christmas. Yep, that jet will burn fossil fuels!
Because I’m feeling super GUILTY about those things, I vote in a law that makes it illegal for grocery stores to give people “free” plastic or paper bags. This relieves my guilt for killing the earth, and eventually ALL of humanity, by owning stuff and flying around on trips that aren’t essential to my survival. I then virtue signal to all my friends about what a moral person I am by voting for the bag law, and informing everybody about how some of those bags may eventually choke a dolphin. It’s also really good to tweet about how “I HATE people who choke dolphins.” This is how social responsibility works. All that guilt is a powerful thing.

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This begs a very important question… how much would it take. :joy: