TC Needs Your Advice

If you haven’t noticed yet, there are some new banners here on the forum and at T-mag’s main page. (Hit reload or refresh if you don’t see them.)

We’d greatly appreciate it if you took a minute and offered us some advice on an important issue. Just click on one of the banners with TC’s goofy mug, or click right <a href=“Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION”>HERE.

Put your advice in the space provided in the article, not on this thread please.


Again, please post your advice in the space provided in TC’s article, not in a new thread or reply. That way the info will go directly to TC and Tim and not be lost on the forum amid other posts.

Thanks for the huge amount of feedback! Wow, over 1000 responses in just a few hours!

I can’t believe what TC and Tim are going to do with this info. I think they’re going to reveal the plan in Friday’s update! Stay tuned!