Taking Testosterone at Age 19

LOL! I didn’t know you read posts in this section.

But that’s such a great one. The ones asking for advice, someone responds within an hour, and they’re like ‘oops I already took 2 shots!’ It’s baffling to me why some people act first, ask the questions later. Although those people are generally a bit more receptive to advise, given that their disposition has clearly shifted from ‘fuck it I’m doing this’ to ‘maybe I should reconsider…’

Lol, I don’t usually, but I happened to see it in the latest section and clicked for lord knows what reason.

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Every damn week a kid wants to juice up… Its just dumb… At that age you have great T so you get nice gainz for years… Yes juice will get you awesome gainz for a few months but you risk shitty gainz for years… Also you just wont keep it all…Just enjoy good gainz 19-30 then consider it in your 30’s when father time starts kicking you in the nurts… Not like he’s gonna listen anyhow but at least its not some pro stack thats gonna give him limp dick and bitch tits

I’m curious as to how all these kids have access to and can afford going on a cycle?

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Don’t know where you are from but in the UK you can get everything you need for a basic cycle & PCT for around £300 at most, and given cycle length + PCT and time off that’s going to last you about 6months total so £50 per month.

There are dealers or at least some one that can put you in contact with one in most gyms i train at.

Any dipshit with $100 and internet access can get juice…

google worlds biggest kid
doctors think his mother put him on steriods at age 2 to 4,
talk about a piece of work

Guess all I need now need is the $100 !!

Thanks everyone for responses. I really don’t want to start a cycle I just wanted to know others opinion I really afraid myself too. Anyway thank you and if anyone has any idea about increasing the power naturally let me know. I searched the net but couldn’t find something useful. I appreciate if you let me know. Thank you