Take Your Laptop to the Gym

Sounds weird, but bear with me here…

I’m typing this inbetween sets of decline. I just a new Dell XPS M1210 Laptop for school, and I’ve dragged it down to my home gym with me. Sound foolish? No.

Wireless internet- Surf T-Nation between sets to look at form videos, reread my workout notes, etc.

Notepad- track date of workout, exercises, sets, reps, weight, as I perform them and view the last week’s worth

Bluetooth- Coupled with bluetooth headphones, my whole MP3 library comes to the gym with me. 30 ft. of wireless range makes it so I can park the laptop in the corner

Webcam w/ video- Does my deadlift form suck? Hmm… let me do one and check. Plus, allows you to set those PRs and determine if you look like DieselWeasel before anyone else sees them.

Anyone else drag a notebook to the gym with them?

Stop fucking around and just lift.

I think that cell phones are bad, but a laptop is disgraceful.

Just my opinion.

No…how much time do you take between sets? I would not have time to be online while working out. The only thing it’d do would be erode the efficacy of my workout and distract me and cause me to lose my focus.

It’s not as bad as the people who bring their labtop to the bar. For fantasy football. And then proceed to route against their real team cause it’ll fuck up their fantasy team. Hate those fuckers.

I think that’s a huge distraction. You should just try to put all of your focus on your workout. I don’t even listen to music when I work out, I’m just “in the zone” mentally.

[quote]Josh Martin wrote:
I think that’s a huge distraction. You should just try to put all of your focus on your workout. I don’t even listen to music when I work out, I’m just “in the zone” mentally.[/quote]

I dont think I could workout without music. I dont want to listen to fucking britney spears when I’m deadlifting. Nothing gets you ramped up like heavy metal blasting through your ears. Lets you drown out the entire world and concentrate.

This is one step up from bringing your annoying ass cell phone to the gym. Just yesterday I saw a guy with the blue tooth headset talking his way through his entire workout. awful.

[quote]jsbrook wrote:
It’s not as bad as the people who bring their labtop to the bar. For fantasy football. And then proceed to route against their real team cause it’ll fuck up their fantasy team. Hate those fuckers.[/quote]

people acctually do that… wow. i hate people. some people need to just end it once and for all. you should spill beer on their laptops

I take my laptop with me every where I go. I wouldn’t be able to walk or sit without it. I even shower and sleep with it.

Is this a joke?

[quote]LoneLobo wrote:
reread my workout notes, etc.

Do you need any other “workout notes” than this during your session? Jesus motherfucking christ, this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read.

[quote]budlight1 wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
It’s not as bad as the people who bring their labtop to the bar. For fantasy football. And then proceed to route against their real team cause it’ll fuck up their fantasy team. Hate those fuckers.

people acctually do that… wow. i hate people. some people need to just end it once and for all. you should spill beer on their laptops [/quote]

I tempted. Maybe next time I see someone doing this at the bar back at school during football season, I will. haha

You can get a friend to videotape you with a digital camera if you want to check your form, if you work out at home just get a boombox, and bring a real notepad to jot down sets/reps.

Surfing the web on T-Nation while working out means you probably rest too much between sets.

I keep track of my workouts in a spreadsheet. I print a copy of the workout I’m about to do with the weights I think I’m going to lift and mark any changes in pencil as I go along. If I don’t write down changes after each exercise, I’ll forget them. When I’m done with the workout, I go back to my computer and fill in what I did in the spreadsheet.

Who needs the distraction of a computer while you’re working out? If you’re able to play around on a computer during a workout, are you really focused on the lifting?

At first I missed the part about you using it at your HOME GYM. That makes sense. Not so sure about actually surfing th web between sets, but if it has your music and workout log, why not?


LOL cellphone people get yelled at by me i dont care if i know them or not.
But if i saw someone bring in a laptop i would prolly die of loughing

Who keeps track of that much shit?

Go in, lift heavy, go home heal and eat, come back lift heavy.

Eventually you go in, and lift heavier when it feels right.

I hope you have gotten the general idea by now. Going to the gym is like having sex. You get in, pump, maybe a little music and midless chatter, and get out. One goal.

By the way I just typed this message in my new blackberry while my girlfriend rotates her ass so I can go in doggystyle. I’ll get back to you in a moment.

You are not training hard enough.

Don’t you sweat all over it?

There’s no way I’d have the time to use a computer between sets. I go to the gym to get away from that stuff. It’s all heavy iron and a notepad and pencil to record my efforts, along with a water bottle.

[quote]InCorporeSano wrote:
LoneLobo wrote:
reread my workout notes, etc.

Do you need any other “workout notes” than this during your session? Jesus motherfucking christ, this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read.

Jesus was a virgin, BY THE WAY

haha just plaaaaying