T-Levels and Calcium

Does anyone know if calcium and T levels are at all correlated the way that T and LDL are? My doctor is concerned about my high-normal calcium levels, and wants to fix that before moving into TRT. It’s making me nuts!


High calcium can be a reflection of something more sinister. It’s probably worthwhile for him to check it out. It’s just a few more tests…suck it up!


Your doctor is right.


Happydog48, I can’t open that link, but I did find links to hyperparathyroidism. I’ll be meeting with my doctor shortly to get a full diagnosis or referral to a doctor who specializes in this. Fortunately, UCSF is not far from where I live and they have a unit which specializes in hyperparathyroidism. (my fingers hurt from typing that)

Probably fortunate that you couldn’t open that link, considering it has nothing to do with your problem. But yep, hyperparathyroidism could be the reason. Best to get it checked out.


The link shows there is a relationship between testosterone and intracellular calcium levels in heart muscle and the original question was asking if there is a relationship between testosterone and calcium. The link shows the answer is yes. With your calcium already high, raising your testosterone could worsen the problems associated with high calcium, such as hypertension and insulin resistance.

HappyDog48, Thanks for the link. I was able to open it up, and it definitely provides me with a secondary reason to get the calcium under control. The primary being that the high levels of calcium are making me batpoopmonkeynuts crazy half the time.

Considering that I’ve been a typical American with my simple carb intake up until about a year ago, I don’t want to increase factors for insulin resistance, and I’m already borderline hypertensive, so it’s best I get this fixed.

I repeat myself, but I must: Thank you for the link. It’s good stuff, and it’s helping me avoid tunnel vision with getting my T levels up.

There are studies that show a high protein diet will reduce circulating calcium. Even after taking 1200mg/calcium day on a high protein diet, I was just below the very bottom of the testing range. I now take 1800mg/day and my last blood test was happy in the middle. I hope this info may help your situation.

I’m 47 and don’t like the idea of osteoporosis to start. I have also read many places that 1200mg day of calcium helps to shed fat, and after more research, found out high protein diets have a habit of lowering circulating calcium. I had my b/w done and my calcium levels were “a little low” and started taking more to compensate. My last b/w showed I was in the middle, so I’ll stay there the easy way. If I ever have a drastic diet change, I follow up with b/w again.

High protein will lower your calcium levels but it’s not that simple. It is all about acid/alkaline balance. This is all explained in “The Paleo Diet” which I have in front of me.

Foods that raise acid levels (and consume calcium): Grains, Dairy, Legumes, Meat, fish and eggs.
Foods that lower acid levels: Fruits and vegetables.

Spinach is high in calcium and is highly alkaline. It’s probably the most useful food in restoring calcium levels and preventing osteoporosis. Cheese on the other hand, although a source of calcium will actually decrease the amount of calcium in your body.

Protein and grains are “acid-producing” in the body. To balance that pH, the body has to get alkalinity from somewhere. The biggest sources are muscle and bone. That’s what glutamine supplementation is about. It’s also why diets such as Precision Nutrition call for veggies and protein at every “feeding opportunity”. Vegetables are alkaline. Balancing this through diet makes things easier on the kidneys too.

This may help: