Switched from Gel to Cyp. Gains?

Switched from andro gel to testosterone cypionate 200mg a week eating clean weightlifting 3 to 4 days a week. Will I see muscle gains my t level before 200mg was 260…

200mg/week is double a typical TRT dose. You should get good gains if E2 is under control. You are still limited by your genetics, some will never have large muscle gains. If muscles do not have proper recovery time, gains are limited. Don’t over-train. You may need whey protein shakes. If you are always hungry, that may be a protein hunger.

Thanks for the info I am hungry all the time for sure I’m 37 .5/6 200 when I started that was 3 months on andro gel .now down two 185 is so I’m only consuming around 1500 call a day to cut weight mainly just a fat belly so looking forward to some muscle gains .

Great deal looking forward to feeling better and looking better the wife is already pissed I’ve been chasing her around the house aswell…

Here’s my shape on just 3 months of androgel so hopefully the injections will help more with the muscles. .

Try whey protein shakes, after workout but before would also be good.

Fat loss also requires proper thyroid function, needing iodine. See thyroid basics sticky.

My wife laid down the law after I started TRT and was at her 1,2 times per day for 17 days…

There something that I believe some people do not understand about TRT. It is meant to restore NORMAL testosterone value, that’s it! It is not meant to induce supraphysiological value at which you can gain more than you will at normal levels. So, if one was making poor or no gains while they were hypogonadal and untreated, they will likely see an optimization of gains, but not extraordinary gains that one will experience at supranormal levels. So when treated with TRT, aside from genetics and proper nutrition and training, a T-treated will just function like a normal, healthy guy.

Most ordinary guys, if they do everything right, will likely experience a fifteen to 20 pound muscle gain the first year. Some bodybuilding and nutrition nerds who have thought this over more than I care to, have said that one can see a 25 pound muscular gain in a year, but this is extraordinary, I believe. With each passing year, the gains become slower and slower.

Two hundred mg per week is twice the starting dose for TRT with injections. Did your doctor prescribe this amount? I would steer clear of a doc who starts one out at this dose.

A diet of 1500 kcal diet is a semi-starvation diet, is not healthy, especially for someone in your situation, who has quite a bit of education on his hands, and is likely necessary only for contest prep bodybuilders at the last legs of prep who for some reason botched things so badly that they need to starve themselves to get ready, not some guy who wants to just change his body.

Eating “clean” is not necessary all the time provided one knows what they’re doing with total caloric and protein amount and getting enough micronutrients. Supplements are not necessary, but can help for some. I personally can’t stand protein powders, but I do have Plazma or Finibars peri-workout.

Thanks for more knowledge I do not expect to look like Arnold just inquiring on potential gains that can be made…

My understanding is 100 a week makes you equal to the average man, a normal you. 200 week will give you a slight advantage to the average man and closer to a teenager. 400+ I believe is the lower end dose to start seeing real anabolic gains.

[quote]lojo70 wrote:
My understanding is 100 a week makes you equal to the average man, a normal you. 200 week will give you a slight advantage to the average man and closer to a teenager. 400+ I believe is the lower end dose to start seeing real anabolic gains. [/quote]

Not everyone is the same. I have tested post-mid-week in the 700’s and 800’s with 100 mg of cyp per week. My personal belief is that there is no advantage in the 500 to 1000 range, as in performance and muscular growth is the same at any value in this range.