Sustenon Cycle with Epi

hey fellas i was thinking oh jumping on some epi i have instead of winni tabs what do u guys think going to start it on my 7 week to harden up…

what is epi? epistane?

ya it is epistene iam thinking of doing that rather then winni tabs

what dose i like the idea. epi hardens me up nicely. and week 7 of how many?

well start my 6th week up until the 12th week so a 6week run maybe at about 30mg-40mg

i guess week 6 of 12 weeks at about 30-40mg i think

im not sure how long it takes the ester to clear with sust.
im only using this as an example so say it take 2 weeks to clear
u wanna do this:
weeks 1-12 sust Xmg per week
weeks 8-14 epi 30-40mg ed
weeks 15… pct

ur gonna want to run the epi right up to the start of pct while the ester is clearing personally i would run it at 50-60mg ed

thanks bro