Supinated Pulldown?

Im soon to be starting Waterbury’s Quattro Dynammo programme.And am a little confused as to what a “Supinated Pulldown” is? Am I correct in assuming it’s a lat pull down with a wide grip palms facing towards my face?

Supinate (Underhand grip) is palms facing you. Pronate (overhand grip) is palms away from you.

[quote]Yo Momma wrote:
Supinate (Underhand grip) is palms facing you. Pronate (overhand grip) is palms away from you.[/quote]

Thank you yo-momma,

But is the exercise the same as a lat pulldown but holding onto the edges of the bar rather than to shoulder width?

[quote]Dobermann wrote:
But is the exercise the same as a lat pulldown but holding onto the edges of the bar rather than to shoulder width?

Usually, unless it’s specified, I’d use whatever grip width you feel most comfortable/powerful with. That’s probably going to be just outside of shoulder-width, but play around a bit to figure out your own best grip. Going waayyy wide on pulldowns can actually limit your range of motion, and be counterproductive.