Super Accumulation Diary

17 year old : bw 235 lbs 6’0
deadlift: 620
squat : 475
bench : 405
I’m giving a try to the Super-Accumulation training
(there is no leg curl machine in my gym but I have my rugby trainings so ı hope it will balance it.)
I changed the front squat to ATG Platz stance squats where the prime movers are quads.

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Day 1
Squat 5x6 @ 315 (wide stance parallel )
Lean away chin up 5x 12 10 9 6 6
Dips 5x 20 15 11 12 9

snatch grip deadlift 10x6 @405
seated dumbell press 5x8

Day 2
ATG platz squat 5x6 315/275…
close grip pronated pull up 5x8
incline db press 5x8

Day 3
squat 5x 6 6 6 5 5 @315 (wide stance prll)
Lean away chin up 5x10
dips 5x 15 12 12 8 10

Snatch grip deadlift (with straps) 10x6 @ 430/430/360…/360
Seated dumbell press 5x8

Day 4
ATG platz squat 5x4 5 6 6 6 @355/315/275…/275
incline db press 5x8 8 6 6 5 (the last set I missed a rep but I haven’t been doing db presses for a long time and I hit a PR with 140 lbs dumbells , so I’m happy about that )
Close grip pronated pull up 5x8 8 6 5 6

Day 5
Squat 5x 5 6 8 8 4 @315
lean away chin up 5x 10 8 8 6 6
dips 5x 14 10 6 6 6

snatch grip deadlift 10x6 top set 430 others with 165kg
Seated dumbell press 5x8 (felt easier with the same weight )

Day 6
ATG platz squat 5x6 6 6 6 4 (275)
incline db press (same weight)


Day 7
squat 5x6 @340 lbs
lean a. chin up 5x8 8 6 6 5
dips 5x 24 10 8 8 6

snatch grip deadlift 10x430/385…/385
db press 5x8 (same weight)

Day 8
ATG platz squats 5x5 @315/270…/270
dumbell incline press 5x8 6 6 8 6 (with 150 lbs dumbells (new PR)
Some extra triceps work

Day 9
Had a problem because of school / exams had to fit the morning and evening workouts in one big session in the night :
First 5 sets of squats superseted with 5 sets of snatch grip deadlifts
Squat 5x 5 4 6 6 6 @315/315/270…/270
Snatch grip deadlifts 450x6 (pr for snatch grip) followed by 405x6… /315x6
beetween the snatch grip deads (3 min rest) I did circuits of ;
Shoulder press db x8
chin up x amrap
dips x amrap
For 5 sets

P.S : hardest thing I’ve done done in a long time ( pushing every rep and set after one and other kills you )

Day 10
ATG Platz squat 5x 6 6 4 6 6 @315/315/315/270…
Db incline press 5x 6 6 6 6 12 (hit new pr 160 lbs dumbells at the top set )
close grip pronated pull up 5x6

(felt strong today)

Day 11
Squat 5x 4 5 5 6 6
Dips 5x 16 8 6 6 6
lean away chin up 5x 4 7 6 6 6

snatch grip deadlift 10x6 (top set 450x8 (8 rep pr)
db press 5x8

Final Day
ATG platz squat 5x5
pull up 6x6
Hill sprints 10 x20 meters.


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Mental Side of things :

whats really hard for me is the snatch grip deadlift and it’s volume ; I’m not really used to save my strength for deadlift reps and sets , I would normally go through some warmups then hit a 1 rep max then do something like a 3x5 .

Day 3 was especially hard since the start, I walk 4 miles to the gym and after the workout the walk really killed me. I hoped I would be able to make it home .
but in the morning of Day 4 I was feeling really good actually and I hit a little pr.

Of course It’s too soon to talk and it’s hard for real (each set balls to the wall) I hope I can finish the 2 week period.

Day 9 : still the only thing bugging me is the snatch grip deadlifts they fuck up my lower back make it so hard to rerack the weights etc.

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great mate keep goin #swoldiernation

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Rest Period ( rest week )
Current weight 235 lbs

Rest day 3
bw 240 lbs (the process seems to be going good but I have a lack of hunger (never happened before)

Final rest day : I gained somewhere 14 pounds at the peak but the last 3 days of my rest I really meesed up my diet I didn’t get enough (close to nothing) calories and lost some weight and didn’t sleep well at all. I’m a little sad about it

So max weight reached : (empty stomach) :250 lbs

I tried to pull 675 today got it about knee height then failed.