Strongest Guy on my Block 4

Another simple run in a hotel in Iowa.

Got in from Iowa about 1 am last night

Warm up bunch of stuff

225 X 55 X DL
20 MB X 55 X Wall Balls
55 Kcal X rowing
5 Hand stand push ups
13 minutes
Weight 201

Long steady jog. I was up about 36 hours out of 38 until last night so didn’t work out yesterday.

Still in Iowa and still just running on a TM.

6.5 miles in 55 minutes

Weight 199 I found a scale.

Short run today just ready to fly home tonight.

Fri got back last night about 1

Warm up stuff

WOD 16.5
95 X 21 X Thrusters
BW X 21 X bar facing Burpees
95 X 18 X Thrusters
BW X 18 X bar facing Burpees
95 X 15 X Thrusters
BW X 15 X bar facing Burpees
95 X 12 X Thrusters
BW X 12 X bar facing Burpees
95 X 9 X Thrusters
BW X 9 X bar facing Burpees
95 X 6 X Thrusters
BW X 6 X bar facing Burpees
95 X 3 X Thrusters
BW X 3 X bar facing Burpees

logging in quite a lot of work - sorry I missed you while you where on the east coast - workworkwork took a crap on me.

I will be back man and next time for longer stays that was a hit and run presentation.

Warm ups running and stretching
Back squat
135/225/275 X bunch
315 X 4 X 2
185 X 2 X clean and jerk
Strict pull-ups X 2
185 X 4 X clean and jerk
Strict pull-ups X 4
185 X 6 X clean and jerk
Strict pull-ups X 6
185 X 8 X clean and jerk
Strict pull-ups X 8
185 X 10 X clean and jerk
Strict pull-ups X 10
185 X 3 X clean and jerk
20 min
Weight 205

Warm up stuff
BW X ring dips X failure (10)
BW X ring rows feet elevated X failure (10)
3 rounds
225 X 10 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 9 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 8 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 7 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 6 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 5 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 4 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 3 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 2 X DL
200 meter run
225 X 1 X DL
200 meter run
Weight 203

Warm up stuff
BW X 3 X chest to bar pull-ups for max hight
BW X 6 X alternating pistols
5 rounds
70 KB X 10 X Russian KB Swings
90 jump ropes
70 KB X 10 X Russian KB Swings
90 jump ropes
5 rounds 14:15
Weight 203

Warm up
Power clean
135 X bunch
185 X couple
205 X 1
185 X 5 X power clean
BW X 10 X 24" box jumps
20 MB X 15 X wall balls
6 rounds plus 5 more power cleans 15 min
Weight 205

Warm up stuff
Front squat
135 X bunch
185 X bunch
225 X 5
255 X 5
275 X 5
2 chest to bar pull-ups
4 hand stand push-ups
70 KB X 8 X KB swings
14 rounds 20 min
Weight 205

Warm up stuff
Thrusters 3 RM
135 X 3 X thrusters
BW X 3 X toes 2 bar
135 X 6 X thrusters
BW X 6 X toes 2 bar
135 X 9 X thrusters
BW X 9 X toes 2 bar
135 X 12 X thrusters
BW X 12 X toes 2 bar
135 X 15 X thrusters
BW X 15 X toes 2 bar
12 min
Weight 202

Thurs (called out last night so working off 3 hours sleep)

Warm up stuff

9 min AMRAP
0-3 min max reps
135 X front squat X 45
3-6 min max reps
135 X push press X 30
6-9 min max reps
135 X power clean X 30
Quit to tired
Weight 202

Warm up stuff
Okay I squared down to put my water bottle and right knee gave out. I have a bunch of fluid in my right knee and can’t fully squat. :confused:

BW X 50 X Toes to bar
BW X 20 X chest to bar

1000 meter row
BW (205) X 21 X bench
750 meter row
BW X 15 X bench
500 meter row
BW X 9 X bench
Weight 203

Warm up stuff
100 ft
Hand stand walking
115 X 21 X floor to overhead
115 X 21 X OHS
BW X 21 X chest to bar pull-ups
115 X 15 X floor to overhead
115 X 15 X OHS
BW X 15 X chest to bar pull-ups
115 X 9 X floor to overhead
115 X 9 X OHS
BW X 9 X chest to bar pull-ups
Weight 205

Warm up stuff
Back squat
135 X 3
225 X 3
275 X 3
315 X 3
365 X 2.5
0-4 min
30 lateral Burpees
75 X 30 X power snatch
4-8 min
8-12 min
20 lateral Burpees
135 X 8 X power snatch
12-16 min
16-20 min
10 lateral Burpees
165 X 0 X power snatch (couldn’t get it to tired just dropped to 135 and did a few)
Weight 201

Rowing and warm up stuff
135 X 2 X 1 complex (1 power clean, 1 below the knee hang clean, 1 jerk)
155 X 1 X complex
175 X 1 X complex
195 X 1 X complex
95 X 3 X thruster
15 sit ups
95 X 6 X thruster
15 sit-ups
95 X 9 X thruster
15 sit-ups
95 X 12 X thruster
15 sit-ups
95 X 15 X thruster
15 sit-ups
95 X 18 X thruster
7 min
Weight 200

Warm up stuff

20 mins
225 X 5 X DL even minutes
24" X 15 X box jumps odd minute

155 X 15 X Power clean
155 X 15 X Push press
200 meter run
155 X 12 X power clean
155 X 12 X push press
200 meter run
155 X 9 X power clean
155 X 9 X push press
200 meter run
10 min
Weight 201