Strongest Guy on my Block 4


Dislocates and foam roll

800 meter run
BW X 10 X chest to bar pull ups
70 KB X 20 X KB Swings
BW X 30 X Pistols Alternating legs
70 KB X 40 X KB lunges
BW X 30 X Pistols Alternating legs
70 KB X 20 X KB Swings
BW X 10 X Chest to bar pull-ups
800 meter run
24:15 min

Weight 209


Woke up with belly cramps all high now, no nauseous or throwing up


200 meter run
25 sit-ups
150 jump ropes
115 X 7 X Bear complex
4 rounds 27:30

Weight 208


Dislocates and foam roll

400 meter run
185 X 24 X back squats
135 X 24 X Push press (first 10 was 185 then rest 135)
4 rounds 38:35

Weight 207

looks like a good week
and that is a sick amount of squats and pp

Not bad. It was a lot of squats and legs this week period.


Dislocates and foam roll

200 meter run
115 BB
6 X bent over row
6 X Romanian DL
6 X hang clean
6 X front squat
6 X MP
All without dropping bar 20 Burpee penalty
6 rounds
20:35 no Burpees needed

Weight 207


Dislocates and foam roll

Back Squat
135 X 3 X 5
185 X 10
205 X 10
225 X 10
245 X 10
275 X 10
225 X 20

Weight 207

Wed no workout was going to go in evening but had an injury.
Weight 205.5


Dislocates and foam roll

4.5 miles 38 min

Weight 203.5


Dislocates and foam roll

200 meter run
BWX 6 X Hand stand push-ups
275 X 12 X DL (unbroken)
BW X 24 X Mountain climbers
4 rounds 17:45

Weight 206


Dislocates and foam roll

185 X 5 X Power clean and press
BW X 10 X 24 in box jumps
70 KB X 15 X Goblet squats
5 rounds 19:15

Weight 206

Sun no work out
Weight 204.5


Dislocates and foam roll

1 mile run
75 X 75 X Power Snatch
20 MB X 50 X Wall Balls
BW X 25 X Roman chair sit-ups
24 min

Weight 208


Dislocates and foam roll

185 X 7 X Full clean
BW X 8 X Burpee 24 inch box jump
7 rounds 29:10

Weight 205


Dislocates and foam roll

55 DB X 50 X Bench
BW X 50 X sit-ups
45 BB X 50 X Curls
2 rounds 24 min

Weight 208

So our AC broke and will not be fixed until Tuesday. So was a hard night of sleep, taking today off to pack for the river trip this weekend.
No workout today, sore and hot.

Weight 207

Fri 206

Workout at Alpha CF in New Braunsfel
Just a bunch of work

Sun and Mon
Drink a lot and eat a lot

Tues back to the real world

Dislocates and foam roll

250 meter sprint row X 3 rounds

135 X 10
185 X 10
205 X 10
225 X 5
205 X 5
185 X 5

53 KB X 12 then Burpee 24 in box jump X 4
Alternate to 30 Sec plank for next minute
EMOM X 10 min

Weight 214.5 (yea alcohol)


Dislocated and foam roll

Lunge Back Rack

135 X 5 each leg
155 X 5 each leg
175 X 5 each leg
195 X 5 each leg

Timed Workout

50 DBs X 12 X thrusters
BW X 8 X dead hang pull-ups
200 meter run
22:30 4 rounds

Weight 212


Dislocates and foam roll

EMOTM X 10 min
Power snatch, hang snatch and OHSquat
Ascending weight
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155 (missed hang), 145, 145, 145

Timed workout

BW X 12 X Ring rows
95 X 6 X power snatch
BW X 24 X sit-ups
5 rounds 15:45

Weight 211

Did a XFit comp on Sat. On a football field and it was HOT strayed weight at 210 and ended at 202 that day.

Did 4 workouts in four hours.

I didn’t die


Dislocates and foam roll

400 meter run
53 KB X 40 X KB Swings
BW X 160 jump ropes
BW X 40 X air squats
BW X 40 X hand release push ups
BW X 40 X toes to bar
BW X 40 X hand release push ups
BW X 40 X air squats
BW X 160 jump ropes
53 KB X 40 X KB swings
400 meter run

28 min

Weight 208