Strong and Conditioned (ChongLordUno)

Mate they’ll always be there

Grind the burpees out every god damn day

Soon those voices will become your friend

There are no hacks

Some days they’re louder than others

Constant hard work is their enemy

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Thanks mate this is exactly what I needed to hear. It’s what I talk about with the gym work so it’s really obvious that this should be the same. Just work hard consistently and you will improve FACT.

Good luck with your 2500 tomorrow mate I will be cheering you on from down under!


Live at 12pm GMT


This will be night time for me and I will be tucked up in my bed. I will watch you smash this over breakfast tomorrow. Good luck Lee can’t wait to see how you go.

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Happy New Year, and best of luck! If anyone can do this - it is you! :+1:

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Done and dusted


Amazing, my man! It was great to work out “with” you for a bit during the live stream.

And what a great cause, too—it’s so cool that you blew your contribution goal out of the water. Thanks for doing this and for giving us the opportunity to participate!


And……I am now officially convinced you are some kind of Norse god.

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I am a shattered man

My back is stiff as shit. My elbows are fucked. I have felt a constant shiver since the burpees

I took it to hell.


Well you will do these silly things :joy: Did you do at least one burpee today ?

None the least impressive man… A burpee marathon! What you just did was a feat that deserves the utmost respect. You have certainly earned mine, and I will continue to follow your log with great interest. Keep it up mate!

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Thanks a lot @pettersson ma

Will need to get back to logging regularly

Like right now


Just wanted to say how impressed I was with your 2500. Doing any kind of training for this length of time is both mentally and physically draining and it can lead to post training burn out or fatigue. You set yourself a challenge and what’s more you did it for a great cause and you got the job done. You should feel proud of your effort and celebrate the success. But now you need to take a moment and look forward, to the next challenge, to what you want this year to be. You are in a great spot with your training and also with your content and tour channel. You have a great message and passion to share with the fitness community and now is the time to take that forward. Looking forward to seeing how you develop this year.


Thanks man. I really appreciate this @simo74 brother

I have a few things in mind. Need to figure out how I get the elbow to heal up as well as the back.

I’ll just plow on regardless. There’s no real reason to change anything. Thanks for the compliments on the content. It’s consuming me

I don’t think people realise how much time and effort goes into producing content and managing the channel. The training part is the easy bit.

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Absolutely my man. It’s all rather stressful however I love being able to get my thoughts and training out there

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As your channel grows it will become like having a second job. This is something you are going to need to learn to schedule time for and balance that with all the other important things in your life. Having a weekly plan with set time for comment response, video editing, content ideas, video uploads etc is a go of way to manage it. That way you can work with your family and they also know the plan.

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“Hard work builds positive communities” what a fucking insight my man. Love it.

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