Strength Survey

Male. 15 years old. 1.5 years traning experience. Weight:155

Sqaut, back: 285
Deadlift: 355
Stiff legged: 225
Bench: 245
Hang clean: 205
I don’t do push press, but behind the neck press is: 145
Straight Bar Curl: 135


19, 5’11, 245 , 20%BF Ectomorph

6 years training, started powerlifting for first four years,

Squat: 415
Deadlift: 425
Bench: 235 (It sucks royally please help me!!)
Powerclean: 195
Powerclean and Press:190
Push press:190
Hack squat:N/A
Front squat: Never maxed

BTW: JB what is you powerclean and press max? Thats if you have maxed it b4?


Jeremy - 195 lbs, 26y, Male, 10 years training, sports include football, track and field, basketball, bodybuilding,ecto/meso

a) back squat - 545 lbs
b) front squat - 350 lbs
c) deadlift - 575 lbs (2.76)
d) stiff legged deadlift
e) barbell hack squat
f) power clean / hang clean - 295 lbs
g) snatch - 225
h) barbell bench press - 405 lbs
i) barbell split press - 260

Man, I don’t know how much I would rely on some of the numbers these guys are giving…I just randomly looked at a couple of them, and their coefficients aren’t even accurate…cut and paste, perhaps?

BTW I meant endomorph for mine not ecto
