Strength Book Suggestions

Hey Guys,

I’m book shopping and was wondering if you guys could give me some recommendations.

I just purchased CT’s Modern Strength book.

Right now I’m debating on whether to buy Mark Rippetoe’s Practical Programming. Is there anyone who owns the book and can give me some feedback?

Any other book suggestions would be great! Thanks

Eric Cressey has a running list over at his website with plenty of excellent suggestions.

Hey man, thanks for the great reference. Much is appreciated!

Has anyone read Practical Programming by Mark Rippetoe?
Its relatively new and was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback

[quote]thetruth24 wrote:
Hey man, thanks for the great reference. Much is appreciated!

Has anyone read Practical Programming by Mark Rippetoe?
Its relatively new and was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback[/quote]

I have yet to read it but would not hesitate to purchase anything written by Mr. Rippetoe. If it’s currently available, I’ll probably purchase it to accompany my edition of “Starting Strength” which I still reference.

any of the Brawn books

Supertraining is a good start.

Supertraining is great. Read it once already, going through certain parts of it again. Great refrence.

[quote]carter12 wrote:
Supertraining is a good start.[/quote]

Agreed. I’d say it’s the only start. It’s one of those books that if you haven’t read, you should feel somewhat insecure at parties.

Another excellent book/reference is the one you use to study for the CSCS. It’s called “Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning.” It’s pricey, but it’s a book you can just randomly pick up and learn something new from.

Between that and Supertraining, there really aren’t any books you need to read. Sure, there are lots of great books, and you should always continue your education; but if you read those two books (few have read both cover-to-cover), you’ll know everything you need to know.

I received Practical Programming for Christmas and must say that I’m really enjoying the book. I’m only on chapter four and haven’t really gotten to the “programming” portion of the book; however, I’d recommend it without hesitation. The book is very well written with just the right balance between depth and pace. You should purchase it if your interested in developing a better understanding of why your favorite programs are structured the way they are or you are a coach for others. Personally, I doubt that I’ll be designing my own programs soon, but the knowledge is great. I apply more from Starting Strength in practical terms.


Hey everyone, thanks for all the help!

I have purchased Kelly Bagget’s no bull muscle building plan, and Mark Rippetoe’s Practical Programming.

Has anyone bought his no bull speed book?


I also received Practical Programming and Supertraining. I started Supertraining but decided I wanted to read Practical Programming 1st since I’ll be going to a 5x5 next. It is a good read so far(Chap 3). Let me know how the No Bull book turns out.

Depends on where you are in your base knowledge. Supertraining and Essentials are great if you have a decent foundation. If not Siff can take some real swimming to get through. I went to the bookstore a few weeks back trying to find easier read books for beginners to get them some sort of foundation outside of all the garbage they might get in the local gym or magazines. I found 3 books that any store should have that are a wealth of information in a very digestable format.

I train police cadets and recruits, and their varying levels of experience and background are considerable. Most police training programs I know of are Cooper based and other old inefficient modalities of training…what I told them to get if they are interested more in understanding the programs I am putting them through are:

Core Performance, Mark Verstegen

New Rules of Lifting, Schuler and Cosgrove (Ive only read the first 50 pages or so and skimmed the rest, I am really liking this book as far as explaining things in laymens terms to people who might have believed bullcrap hype from idiots their entire lives. I wish I could afford a few hundred of these books to pass out to new recruits and instructors which should be mandatory read)

Muscle Logic, Charles Staley (lots of good pictures, of course its promoting his EDT theory but still I think its a great book for someone to read that is just starting off, with lots of good pictures)

If you are more advanced, go with Siff and Essentials, sign up to the NSCA to get the Journal, sign up for Milo and get those (not always technical articles but very motivating to a meathead like me), and Im not sure if they are still in print but back in the day Hatfields Power and Hardcore Bodybuilding were great although I havent looked at them in years. If you want to see examples of more than just lifting, warm ups, speed and agility stuff, Complete Conditioning for Football by Arthur/Bailey is good, Renegade Trainnig for Football by Davies has good pics of dynamic flex/hurdles/ladder/lifts.

Good videos by Verstegen, Boyle, Santanos, Parisi Speed School, are other educational sources.

Just make sure your reading time does not detract from your gym time

Thanks everyone.

Most definitely. Reading will just be a side thing when I’m not in the gym.

I forgot some classics for any library…Bill Starr’s Strongest Shall Survive and Defying Gravity