Steigs - Training Log

It’s all about the grind my man💪🏻

9 February

Half marathon - 1:47:20

Incredibly happy with a new PB. Ran my first half this time last year in 1:52:00 and my second in December in 1:49:55. Happy that training seems to be supporting the running and vice versa.

Unfortunately, I used a lot of today’s macros on my pre-run meal. Have a feeling that my wife may be avoiding me and my hanger later tonight!

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But but but doesn’t running eat up all your gains!!!

Nice work mate!

Ha - not sure I’m anywhere near qualified enough to know what combining my weight training programme with my running programme does, but, for me, this is all a long term strategy. I’m happy if it takes a little longer, but I can fall out of bed and smash out a half marathon. I like the idea of being fit by different metrics.

Whilst I find weight lifting a good way to release tension, I personally find running is my meditative time - switch off, clock the miles and churn the thoughts.

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The way I look at it is like this…

If you can…

Deadlift double your bodyweight
Squat one and a half/double your bodyweight
Perform 20 dead hang chins
Run a sub 7/8 minute mile

Then what else do you really need?

Anyone who can do that will likely look pretty damn good with the fitness to back it up.

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10 February

Really struggled with motivation and any energy today

Recovery Run - 20minutes at 12km/h

Cable Face Pulls - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15

Machine Shoulder Press - 3 sets: 80kg x 15 13 12
Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly - 3 sets: 6.25 x 15; 3.75 x 15 15

Cable Cross Lat Raise - 3 sets: 3.75 x 15 15 15
Preacher Curl - 3 sets: EZ Bar seated plus 12.5kg x 15 15 15

Cable Tricep Push Down Using Rope Attachment - 3 sets: 16.25 x 15 15 15
Incline Seated Db Bicep Curls - 3 sets: 10kg x 15 15 15

Crunches - 3 sets: 15 15 15

11 February

Weight - 90.4kg

Body fat - 7.8%

Glute Barbell Raised Bench off Pins (Hip Thrusts) - 4 sets: 100kg x 6; 100kg x 12 12 12
Pendulum Squat - 4 sets: 35kg x 6; 35kg 12 12 12

Wide Grip Row (Seated Row) - 3 sets: 65kg x 12 69 x 12 12
70 degree bench Db Press - 3 sets: 24kg db x 12 26 kg db x 12 11

Leg Extension - 2 sets: 61kg x 15
Seated Cable Flyes (Elbow Straps) - 2 sets: 73kg x 15 15
Chest Supported 60degree
Reverse Flyes - 2 sets: 6kg x 15

Felt incredibly flat today. Waking up was a real effort (coming from someone that usually bounces out of bed) and the session this morning was another grind

Two weeks from my self-imposed deadline of finishing this cut. Contemplating a slight re-feed - increase the carbs by 80g tonight. The thought alone is putting a huge smile on my face - chocolate protein porridge some blueberries and the spoon dipped in crunchy peanut butter :drooling_face:

Hopefully a really good night’s rest will sort me out too - crushed it this weekend with early mornings for the half marthon and then a late night here for the Eng v Wal game (didn’t kick off here until 2045)!

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looking good man. can notice the improvement in imbalances

Thanks - it is encouraging to know that all the (frankly tedious) ancillary work for the past six months hasn’t been in vain. I know that there is still a long way to go, but I find it interesting that six months ago I could feel no activation in my back when rowing and now I ‘get’ that feeling. Plus the spike in my bench has been an unexpected benefit - turns out pressing from a more stable position leads to more wait pressed - who knew, huh?

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12 February

Weight - 90.7kg

Last night’s chocolate protein oats with raspberries blackberries and a scraping of peanut butter were utterly incredible and I woke up this morning feeling reinvigorated.

Cable standing face pulls - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15
Standing cable overhead Tricep extensions - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15

Seated EZ Bar Preacher Curls - 3 sets: EZ Bar plus 12.5kg 15 15 20

Run - 30 mins 5.75km at around 11km/h and cranking it up in the last ten to finish at 13.5km/h

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13 February
Weight - 90.5kg

Rack pulls (banded) - 1 set: 90kg x 6; 3 sets: 90kg x 12 12 12
Flat bench Fat Grip Db - 1 set: 36kg x 6 3 sets: 34kg dbs x 12 12 11

Cable Pulldown Pronated Grip - 3 sets: 61kg x 12 ; 63 x 12 12
Watson Machine Hamstring Curls - 3 sets: 55kg x 12 12 ; 50 x 10

Prime Leg Press with emphasis on top of the extension - 3 sets: 169kg x 15 ; 176kg x 15 14
Seated Tricep Cable Pull Downs - 3 sets: 45kg x 15 15 12

Crunches - 3 sets: x 15
Seated DB Lat Raise - 3 sets: 7kg x 15 15 15

Seated Cable EZ Fat Grip Bar Bicep Curls - 3 sets: 64kg x 15 ; 73kg x 12

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Feeling a bit down about just how much work there is left to do on my right shoulder - think the lighting in this morning’s photograph more clearly shows the imbalance. I suppose I knew it would always be a long term fix and it has improved drastically in the past six months.

try not to worry too much my friend! just a bit longer and it will almost non noticeable!


Imagine where you will be in the next six months. Good work, keep pushing.

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I14 February

Weight - 90.3kg

Cable standing face pulls - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15
Standing cable overhead Tricep extensions - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15

Seated EZ Bar Preacher Curls - 3 sets: EZ Bar plus 15kg 15 15 15
Seated Neutral Grip Row - 3 sets: 60kg 15 15 15 (really try to focus on the contraction at the end of the motion)

Run - 30 minutes at around 11.5km/h

15 February

Weight - 89.7kg

Glute Barbell Raised Bench off Pins (Hip Thrusts) - 4 sets: 105kg x 6; 105kg x 10 10 10
Pendulum Squat - 4 sets: 37.5kg x 6; 37.5kg 10 10 10

Wide Grip Row (Seated Row) - 3 sets: 69kg x 12 69 x 12 12
70 degree bench Db Press - 3 sets: 26kg db x 12 26 kg db x 12 11

Leg Extension - 3 sets: 70kg x 15
Seated Cable Flyes (Elbow Straps) - 3 sets: 73kg x 15
Chest Supported 60degree
Reverse Flyes - 3sets: 6kg x 15

Finished off with
Seated EZ Fat Grip Bar Curls - 3 sets: 73kg x 15 82kg x 15 12
Cable Tricep Pull Down Extensions Kneeling - 3 sets - 91kg x 15 100kg x 13 10