Stealing prescription pads = gear?

LOL. Guess he told you huh Sticky Fingers. You sure are one tightly wound pathetic loser Sticky. Take the man’s real advice there to stay off the juice and live a normal life. I suggest YOU read between the lines. Hmmmm. I think I know why your fingers are sticky!!! LOLOLOL

Right on Mr. Dirty Mike. So sane woman would want to be seen with some loser who gets his jollies by stealing and forging scrips. As for the juice question, if he wants to become sterile or impotent, it probably is to the better of mankind and womenhood anyway. Shoot away Sticky.

I guess I should clarify my position on this. I could care less whether you choose to use whatever it is exactly that you want to use. My problem is that, by stealing a doc’s pad and #, you could potentially be putting that doc in a very precarious position. Even if you’re not caught, Big Brother might notice an odd “trend” in the prescribing habits of that doc and do a little investigating. I haven’t put in all this time, effort, and money into becoming a doc to have it all screwed up by somebody forging my name. I have no problem with people using steriods or anything else they choose. I do have a problem with people potentially getting me in trouble for such a petty reason.

DocT is right. Big Brother is watching. My father used to work for a state health department in charge of prescription drug control. The amount of the good stuff prescribed: Valium, ludes, etc. is tightly monitored. I don’t know about steroids, but I could find out. When he felt that there was an “abberation” in the amount of a controlled substance that a doc was prescribing, he’d send his personal Gestapo to hold an inquisition. So be careful.

It is unlikely you could do anything with the script. Doctors use codes on there scripts (common medical terms for righting prescriptions) for instance a 0 with a slash in it can mean something like “every other day” if you dont use the short hand you will get caught & arrested. In all reality pharmacies but addicts writing pain meds to themselves all the time!
ou cant just write “Deca 200kmg per week, 20 refills”
You need to learn the short hand.

I’ve hestitated to become involved in this post, but Charles is absolutely right. Before “Sticky” even thinks about trying AAS, he should first ensure that his training and nutrition are the best they can possibly be and that he’s made a reasonable effort to achieve his genetic potential. (No, I’m not trying to devolve this thread into a discussion of the merits of AAS use, since I don’t have a problem with informed and considered use of it. However, that obviously does not appear to be the case in this instance or we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.) Once that’s accomplished, then Bodz’s point becomes the overarching factor, i.e., acquiring AAS on the black market is far too easy to risk forging a scrip. For example, as Bill noted, there’s a certain individual many of us know who was once caught forging a scrip for codeine. The result wasn’t a very pleasant one, to say the least.