Starting Over Again After Injury/Weight Gain


I am unable to lift in any mass building way for at least a few months.

I had a car accident and have been rehabilitating for 18 mo.
I also had a an issue where I was given steroids and ballooned over 200 LBS !

So, to start I want to just lose fat and maintain muscle.

What is most important:
Macros, protein or total calories?

3 yrs ago I was 10% BF @ 175 LBS. (157 lean mass)

Now I have a local lifter who competes and swears I am 40% body fat and that I have 195 LBS lean mass.
I do not see how this is possible if I was sedentary and am 49 yo.
If anything I LOST muscle mass while laying on the couch eating crap food.
How could I have gained 20 LBS in muscle?
At 195 lean, I would be 220 at 11% and there is just no way I could ever carry that amount of weight. I am 5’8" and do not have a stocky/mass build.

I am prescribed about 2 days of 2000 cals w 200 gms protein. Carb andf calorie cycle on day 3 to have about 2,300 cals w the extra cals coming from carbs.

Can someone please steer me in the direction of the most aggressive FAT LOSS meal plan and requirements for someone who may incorporate NEPA and then some light lifting until I become more mobile.
Between my injuries and weight there is just no way at the moment that I can do any meaningful lifting, so until then I would like to dial in my diet as much as possible.

Even if carbs are low GI. I am afraid that 200 gm carbs is just too much.
Wouldn’t I be better off w more protein or good fat? nuts, seeds, avocado, salmon, anchovies etc?

Is V-Diet inappropriate for me?

Any help appreciated and apologies if this isn’t the exact location it should be.

If you’re unable to lift in a meaningful manner, any form of aggressive weight loss will make you lose muscle. As far as aggressive weight loss diets go, the v-diet works frighteningly well - however, see caveat above. I would just focus on healthy food, loads of vegetables and plenty of walking, to be honest.

That is the plan.

Just wondering how to come up w a plan.
Base it on my lean mass, total calories or macro ratios etc

what excercise can you do? -even bodyweight moves and HIIT can help

[quote]RampantBadger wrote:

what excercise can you do? -even bodyweight moves and HIIT can help[/quote]

Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
Planned on walking and then some weight bearing stuff. Step ups on box, maybe some dips on a bench. Got many different resistance bands.
Just need about 4-6 weeks of that stuff then on to some light dumb bells my PT says.

Was looking to start dumping fat without eating up ALL my muscle while just getting back into things.

Thank you very much for that page.

OP, the best way I go about losing weight, is adding in a ton of vegetables. I will eat vegetables for lunch and supper. My go to vegetables are peas and corn. You want vegetables that do have some calories in them so you get some sort of energy, you don’t want to be eating salad all day, that will give you 0 energy. Also if you haven’t lifted in a long time than you would lose muscle, but our bodies have something called muscle memory so once you start lifting again you will gain it all back in a very short time. Hopefully I answered all your questions, do you have any other ones?

If you are 49 and have been sitting on a couch eating crap for the last 18 months like you have described then you wont have as much muscle as you think. Your main focus should be working on gaining mobility again and to lose a lot of fat.

Overall weight loss comes down to calories. You are currently eating way too many. If you’re determined then you should be able to make some noticeable changes straight away.

Foods that don’t have nutritional value aren’t really needed at all. That’s not to say you can’t have a can of coke or a slice of pizza every now and then but you have to ask yourself how serious you are about losing fat. If you’re serious then you need to start with eliminating crap food from your life.

Start with sugary foods and transfats. Soft drink, doughnuts, cake, chips, pizza, chocolate and basically all those foods that aren’t real foods need to go.
Instead focus on eating good food sources like beef, lamb, pork, fish, chicken, eggs, rice and plenty of vegetables and fruit. Most vegetables are very low in calories but high in micro nutrients. Good fats generally take care of themselves with the protein. Fat from fish for example is really good for you and if you cook in olive oil or coconut oil again you are getting in healthy fats. Nuts are also good but they are calorie dense so don’t go overboard.

If you feel like a snack go for a piece of fruit rather then a snack bar or other such crap.

Drink plenty of water. Start drinking water as soon as you wake up. You should never feel thirsty .

Be careful with bread and milk. Milk is high in protein but it also contains lactose which can have a bloating effect. Some milk in your coffee or on your bowl of oats is fine but never actually have it as a drink.
Some bread is also fine but I wouldn’t recommend eating too much of it for the same reason. It can cause a bloating effect.

You don’t need to count calories but it can be helpful to do some food tracking even just for a week. It can be a huge surprise to see just how much or how little of certain macros you actually have. Also once you see what a weeks food looks like it becomes very easy to see where to cut the calories.

myfitnesspal is a good accurate food tracker.