Starting My First Cycle! Test E 500MW and Anadrol

Lmk if this is ok

Weeks 1-12 test E
Weeks 1-4 Anadrol 50MG
Weeks 8-12 Anavar Clen
Weeks 13-14 nothing
Weeks 15-end PCT

You’re nowhere near the level for gear. You can get up to say 190lbs fast using the info on this site

Read pretty much any 10 articles especially a few by Wendler and Paul Carter

You already got the answers you were looking for in the other thread you just posted in yesterday and you’re starting another thread???

People need to be more selective who they try to help. You don’t need to cycle and you’re not ready but somehow you got advice on how to cycle and exactly what so just do it

I have a strong sense you just want to hear what you want to hear over and over

First, I think you should train longer and make sure you have a good diet going. Just by your stats it doesn’t seem like you are anywhere near your natty potential. My guess is the diet is crap because thats a high bf% for someone your height and weight. I’ll say that because I am one inch taller, 60 pounds heavier, and a lower bf% during my current offseason. You just need to get your ass in the gym on a good training regimen and a solid diet to gain. You are far away from needing to be on gear.

Secondly, That is pretty dumb for a first cycle. After looking at your stats and then the compounds, it seems like you don’t know whether to bulk or cut. I run clen and var during a show prep, but I also have quite a bit more muscle mass as I still out weigh you by a bit when I am down around 4-5%BF. It’s simple. You need to eat and train like it is your life. If you are consistent with those you will see results. I highly suggest that you don’t run gear at this point. When you do, I don’t suggest running a cycle with that many compounds as your first. Put in some work. Do your research. Get to a good point naturally first before you mess yourself up.

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