Started TRT without Actual Need for It?

SC or IM injections are 100% absorbed.
SC is absorbed slower, so less peaks and that helps with E2.
SC does not drive more T–>E2

Cholesterol can be too low with your low fat diet. Cholesterol is what your sex hormones are made from, Vit-D3 and cortisol too. Normal ranges do not mean healthy or optimal, it only means that 99.3 %, 3 standard deviations of the normal curve include most people. It does not mean that any value in the range is good, but doctors think that way, because they do not understand that “normal” does not mean good health.
You injected and did labs ~12 hours later? WTF!

You need anastrozole to manage T–>E2

Because of half-life, it takes a week or more for T levels to reach final levels. Same for E2.

Starvation diets can be very harmful.

SHBG is made in the liver, increased by estrogens and reduced by T levels. That may take weeks to normalized. Liver problems can increase SHBG. Starvation increases SHBG. SHBG probably will be so to decrease if you provide more favorable conditions.

T3, T4 need lab ranges please

Please read the stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

Evaluate your overall thyroid function by checking oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky. Thyroid hormone fT3 is what gets the job done and it regulates mitochondrial activity, the source of ATP which is the universal currency of cellular energy. This is part of the body’s temperature control loop. This can get messed up if you are iodine deficient. In many countries, you need to be using iodized salt. Other countries add iodine to dairy or bread.