Started New Protocol Yesterday. What to Expect?

So I finally bit the bullet and decided to split my injections following the palps earlier in the week and the mood disturbances toward the end of the last two shot cycles. I took 65mg last night and I will take it again Sunday morning. I made an executive choice and decided to not wait until Sunday to start this new routine, I didn’t want my levels to hit trough then start my week with a lower shot, my FT levels are only midrange at peak anyway so I didn’t really see the harm in it. So I took 100MG sunday, then took 65 last night and I will do 65 on sunday and again Wednesday night and so on. I didn’t sleep much last night due to some issues in my place but I feel pretty energized and my libido last night was pretty high, had wood pretty much throughout the night. Hopefully splitting the shots and upping the dose slightly will help me maintain balance. I can’t up my dose too much without telling my Doc, he is pretty liberal with letting me have my freedom, but I cant push it either. Should I expect anything out of the norm over the next few days? Technically this week I have taken 165mg of Cypionate?

I would not worry. I’ve changed protocols mid week/early/late, the faster you change the faster you adjust to the new one.

Right, that’s what I figured, plus I really didn’t want to wait until Sunday when im at trough and then take a dose that is 35mg less than my normal weekly dose, I feel like that would have made me sluggish and I would be playing catch up at that point.

I struggle with anxiety and palps a lot, so I know how disturbing they are and how easy it is to get caught worrying about “why”, the anxiety of why could be the reason they keep happening. Just put it in the back of your mind while you adjust to new protocol.

Thanks dude, I can already feel a difference, my first day back to work I generally feel a little tired and grumpy, but despite not sleeping much I am in a pretty good mood and I don’t even feel that tired. I think this split protocol will be better, we will see.

I wouldn’t worry about it, this twice weekly protocol might actually keep levels steadier making the transition easier.

Oh I hear you that’s my hope. I feel good today definitely better than if I was just holding onto my 100mg. I’m higher though right now than I will be on this new protocol because I shot 100 Sunday and 65 last night. But it will level out.

can you explain to me what blasting is? I keep seeing this. What is it?

Blasting is doing a supra-physiological amounts of T (steroids) for a short time, cruising is coming back down to TRT levels and cruising there until your next cycle/blast if wanted.

wouldn’t this mess up your balance? why would you want to do that? It takes like six weeks to rebalance right.

So you can get jacked as fuhhh


Yeah but they are doing a cycle for their own purposes (bodybuilding, re-comp, better performance etc) for 6-12 weeks (possibly longer) and then going back down and settling on their TRT doses. Some are really not that sensitive to changes either.

I can’t say for a cycle as I never have done one but I am not sensitive to changes. I have switched to cream to injections, injecting subq to IM and dosage changes in between and not been greatly affected. I just either have a slow decline or slow improvement on how I feel. Only thing I felt greatly is when I first started. So I would imagine a lot that do blast and cruise are not that sensitive either, or it may not be worth it to them. That is just a guess though.

I changed to twice weekly back in June and did an ultra-detailed log of my experience. I can save you some time and tell you to expect some ups and downs. Expect some increases in anxiety and depression and fatigue and ALSO hopefully mood, energy, motivation and libido. It’s a bit of a roller coaster.

My first three weeks were good and also difficult. I didn’t start to really level off until 5 or 6 weeks and by 8 to 9 weeks I started feeling really really good. Better than any time previous on TRT.

Name of the game is patience and tolerance for some possible weirdness. Hormones are strange.

For real, this is the first time I have shot twice in one week and don’t get me wrong, I felt good on one shot per week, libido was strong and all, problem was my moods and shit just crashed on Friday-Saturday. Libido was still there funny enough. My FT on 100MG IM at peak was 124 pg/dl while my TT was 1276 at peak(high SHGB). So today I feel almost hyper and edgy despite not sleeping much and my libido has been surging horribly, like it goes way high for twenty minutes and then goes away. It’s been an interesting day.

I cant imagine taking roid doses. Like 400mg per week. I have technically taken 165mg this week after starting my first partial shot last night and I feel hyper, kinda edgy and libido has been surging really really high and then back to normal. I would go nuts bro.

I’m dying to try.

I have a ton of test stock piled just waiting to go.

You have fun with that dude. I can tell you by how I feel today that if my FT and TT went supraphysiologic I would feel like crap and be way to wired. That’s why I am only going to shoot 65mg every 3.5 days. It is only a small increase in my dosage, but its split up and I cant imagine having that high of T after how I felt with my T being midrange at peak.

Wish you luck. If you get bored take a look at the beginning of my log. It’s only my own experience, but I did it just for this reason. I hadn’t seen a protocol change log (especially once to twice a week) so I decided to do one so people could get an idea of what it might be like.

I personally don’t feel crazy different on 500mg vs 150-200mg. Definitely more muscle gain but mentally it’s not a huge change. I actually prefer how I feel at 200mg vs 500mg.

After you level out on your new dose you won’t feel crazy different like you are now on the first week.

Did you have a bad experience with twice per week?