Squat Tips?

My squat sucks…well really so does everything else lol

Hey guys, so i have lifted weights for years, and have made decent progress in the bench and deadlift but my squat is horrible. I weigh 160 lbs at 5’11. I deadlift 400, bench 200, and squat 200. I just never feel “in the groove” with squats like i do when i bench or deadlift. So, any ideas on what I can do?

So you’ve told us that you’ve “lifted weights for years,” how much you weigh, how tall you are, and your lifts. We’ll assume you lift raw.
Right away, deadlifting twice your squat seems odd.

However, you haven’t told us HOW you squat. Low bar or high bar? Close stance or wide stance? Fast or slow? Is your sticking point in the hole, or somewhere else? What does your training look like? Your nutrition, your recovery methods?

Here’s a better idea, though. Take a video camera or phone with you to the gym next time, record a few sets (some light and some heavy) and post up the videos. it’ll be 100x easier to give you pointers if we can see what you’re doing (both right and wrong).

[quote]djgimac wrote:
My squat sucks…well really so does everything else lol

Fixing your squat is easy. Watch credible videos of squats, in fact theres a new article posted right here on T-Nation on squatting that will help you.

Fixing this ‘defeatist’ attitude is the hard part. IF you truly think everything you do sucks, then it will. By posting this and seeking help means that you are making steps to fix your shit, which certainly doesn’t suck. Look, the fact is we all suck to some degree. Our job is to suck less every day.

watch the “so you think you can squat” series from elite FTS on you tube and practise those things.

I use low bar with a stance just outside shoulder width. I don’t go with a certain tempo, I just lower under control and stand back up as explosively as I can. My sticking point is just after I pass parallel, and the weight tries to push me forward. For the past year I have used 5/3/1.
Monday- squat

Usually I do BBB for assistance unless I’m pushed for time

Put on some weight (seriously). I’m sure there are other things that can help, but adding weight always helps with a squat, and 5’11’ 160 is really on the thin side.

As far as improving your squat technique, you’re going to have to post a vid. That’ll get much better advice than trying to describe how you squat.

Also, if you squat more often, you get more practice squatting and then any technique flaws - if squatting properly, should work them selves out and also develop your confidence.

Raising the squatting frequency is a big thing. It’s good practice. Also, the added volume will help you grow. How are your limb proportions? You could try an olympic squat, and when I say that I dont mean “atg” or anything like that. Just try to be comfortable when you squat. Find the foot position, the grip, foot angle, and speed that work for you.

[quote]sexyxe wrote:
Also, if you squat more often, you get more practice squatting and then any technique flaws - if squatting properly, should work them selves out and also develop your confidence.

I agree, even if you just do some light work on the other days, squat 3x per week plus to learn form, and read/research to find some technique advice to focus on when you train. Video as many sets as you can and compare light and heavy sets to see where you lose it. Also, post one up here for tips from some of the experienced lifters.

Also, while you don’t have to be heavy to be strong, you probably should put on quite a bit of weight. Take a look at your diet and try to learn as much as possible about nutrition. That and working hard on your all-round strength levels over time will bring results.