Squat Form Question

I have been having some problems with my squat - I really feel like it is holding me back from progressing. When I approach bottom on my squats, I feel like my form goes to shit. The further I go down, the more my torso starts to bend forward - and the harder it is to maintain an upright torso.

So, I reach bottom, and I feel like I have to good morning the weight up. I am keeping my weight on my heels, and I am very strong on my good morning in comparison to my squats, so I don’t think it is a low back weakness. Rather I think it is a flexibility issue.

I have been doing Joe Defranco’s “agile 8” stretches right now, but I don’t feel like it is helping that aspect. Maybe I need to give it more time? What do you guys think? Is there any stretches that will fix this?

When you set up under the bar, try bringing your hands in as close as possible to your body. It will force your chest out and force your shoulder blades together.

Get lots of practice with light weight until you improve your form on a consistent basis.

Check out http://www.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding_strength/squat_pulling_the_bar_down?pageNo=0#2637447

Torso bending isn’t a bad thing if the weight is over the mid portion of your foot. If you drop a plumb line.
Think of it this way. The squat is a hip exercise. The knees only bend enough to keep the weight centered over the force. It just shouldn’t go over this point of force nor behind it. well, too much. Some is inevitable.

Thanks for the help guys. But lets just say I am doing a bodyweight squat. As I reach bottom (parallel) , my torso is right under 45 degrees to the ground. Is this normal? Shouldn’t it be higher?


[quote]Atypical wrote:
Thanks for the help guys. But lets just say I am doing a bodyweight squat. As I reach bottom (parallel) , my torso is right under 45 degrees to the ground. Is this normal? Shouldn’t it be higher?[/quote]

Depends on your torso and limb lengths. Only those with very short legs (relatively) will be able to remain upright during a squat without taking a very wide stance.

Video would be helpful.

Video by Dan John, so far I can say it is the best video on the net for squatting.

The 1st 10 minutes are about squating ATG. Later he talks about RDLs, and the Snatch.
