Spray Butter

how do you consume MCTs? As a supplement or mostly from cooking using Coconut oil.

I dont cook ANYTHING with oil at all. I simply use nonstick cookware for anything I cook.

As far as the MCT’s I usually get them by adding either cocnut oil, cocnut milk, or unsweet shredded coconut to my Grow. Damn good with the chocolate. I will also add the shredded cocnut to salads, or the oil onto cooked veggies.

Hope that helps,


It’s cool, you’re bullet proof brotha!

I’m with SC. I use organic butter and virgin coconut oil quite alot and i still dropped my bf%, probably to 7%. I did alot of researching over these oils all over places on the internet and they are in fact very healthy for you. Much better than fake fats or fat substitutes that are manmade, something that don’t exist in nature. Human body and artifical stuff don’t mix too good. Saturated fat is important for utilization of omega 3s found in fish oil and flax oil. They get absorbed more this way.

Thanks Tungsten, and the other folks who agree with me. I can’t believe you guys. y’all need to read back over the archives. JB says to get equal amounts of all 3 fats, so go do your diet analysis and see if you are before you criticise a damn pat of butter.

You guys kill me, you go from saying butter is bad, and then asking why coconut oil is so good for you. coconut oil is higher in saturated fat than butter. they’re both extremely healthy, however you should get your butter from organic cows because otherwise you’re getting a heavy dose of nasties (toxins accumulate in fats). butter from properly fed cows has CLA (extremely beneficial, helps prevent heart disease), the sat. fat supports test. production as well as other hormones, and if you don’t eat some fat with your vegetables you will not even be able to absorb all the vitamins from them. butter is awesome for that. it’s also a concentrated source of calories when trying to gain weight.

and don’t say a thing about my lard, because it bought it straight from a small farmer, and it contains high amounts of naturally occuring fat soluble vitamins that are practically impossible to get through a store bought diet. store lard is trash.

i’m sorry if i came off a bit harsh.

some of you might think i’m off my rocker and i’m gonna die young of heart disease, but there’s no way in hell i would do this if i didn’t think it was right. my whole family is dying young of heart disease, and i full intend to NOT follow in their footsteps.

I had to pop in here and back up Seminole Chick. I didn’t think her response was that harsh, and calling it “pure conjecture” is way off. I think she was just surprised because most people who give advice on this forum are usually pretty good at balancing the different points of views and offering educated information. Claiming that all butter and/or saturated fats are bad for you clearly suggests that you haven’t done your homework. If you want to learn a different point of view on the possible health benefits of natural sources of saturated fats, check out westonaprice.org and scroll to the bottom of the page. Get the PDF with the comments on the food pyramid and read it. I’m not affiliated with them or anything, I just think it’s a good one-stop resource for info on natural saturated fats. One key thing to reiterate is that there is a big difference between butter/saturated fat from highly-processed, mass-produced store bought products and natural products.